Photo on 2014-09-16 at 8.56 AM


Let me start off by introducing myself. I’m Amanda Santos, a 25-year-old female taking Radio Broadcasting at Humber College. I wont go into too much detail about myself but if you know me you know this: I love the TV show Supernatural, I love pugs and I love, love, LOVE Star Wars. So that being said, let’s get to it! My First blog for Radio Humber Life, here goes nothing.

Coffee_Love.jpg.crop_display[1]Getting back into the swing of things as we return back to school can be kind of tough and stressful. The late nights, early mornings, last minute work on assignments, that’s how we know we’re back in school. Going back to school means getting back to my coffee addiction… Admit it, that’s you too isn’t it? Now being a student you probably are trying to save your money as best as you can. Now how does saving money relate back to coffee? Well I’ve got some great coffee tips for you and the first one will definitely help you save big bucks. Instead of going to that over-priced fancy shmancy coffee place to buy your iced late’s, try this:

YABvFQgM-jTake your left over pot of coffee, after you’ve had a cup.. or two.. or three, pour that coffee into your ice tray and pop it in the freezer. Once it freezes, pour yourself a glass of milk, drop the ice cubes in and boom – Iced Latte. Pretty clever no?

Some other tips for coffee drinkers:

  • If your coffee is to strong or bitter, sprinkle a little salt in it. That will counteract that nasty bitter taste.
  • Don’t just use milk in your coffee! Pour the milk into a jar, shake it up for 30 seconds, pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds and BAM Latte Foam.
  • Don’t use sugar, use natural sweeteners like Honey, you can even ground up some coffee grounds with cinnamon, orange zest and any other fresh flavor you might want to add in. This will add the sweetness and kick you’re looking for without giving you that sugar high that is followed by the dreaded crash. Nobody wants to fall asleep in class, well… most of us don’t.

– Amanda Santos