A Story of Panic

This is me at about 8:15 this morning.

Of course I had seen better days, but considering I had an assignment due in a little under two hours, time was not my friend. I had to tell a story. I had to tell a story with images and video and a certain amount of narration. Shouldn’t have been too hard, right? I mean, telling stories is right up my alley. Didn’t stop me from putting it off until the last minute now did it? Well, here I am now, and I’ve still got a story to tell. So what should I say?

Should I talk about my most recent love?

Or is that too dramatic for my classmates to take in? If only I had a clue about what to say.

Luckily, I consider myself a smart guy. Maybe I’ll think of something to show the class before I have to sell my possessions, move to Thailand and live on a beach with a radioactive monkey for the rest of my life. Fingers crossed!
Fingers Crossed

Snooze Button


Get ready to go on an adventure. Don’t worry, you won’t even have to get up – wicked right? –

In this wicked show? movie? clip? episode? porno? (you do see me change in front of you so…) we’ll just call it a movie.

The character, Joey, is late for school. Or so he thinks. His conscience (narrator) makes fun of him and takes advantage of his lack of responsibility. Joey is in a race against time to get to school. However, there’s a surprise waiting for him when he’s about to leave the house.


My legs are on FLEEK

Follow me on twitter and instagram(more videos there): @JoeyCast93

Slide into my DM’s, you might get some more photos or videos of me changing in the bathroom 😉 Pics for pics? haha!




Think back to a few years ago. You were at home, work, a friend’s house or whenever, on a computer, choosing a college/ university to go to. So many choices in front of you, so many programs. you thought this would be a straight decision but it instead, as if you were on a curvy road, you dipped and dodged schools and programs until you found this baby.


Sent in your application, came to do the essay, spoke with Sheila, Neil, Robyn or whoever and a few weeks later, you were accepted into the family. You were as happy as a kid in a candy store, or in this case, like my nephew going into bath time.


Feel special because out of the hundreds of applicants and wannabe’s, you were the most special and talented one. out of 70 open spots, 1 had your name on it. you made it into the limited capacity.


YOU rose above the rest, during the interview process. As an announcer and newscaster, you talked your ASS OFF, during that meeting, so much so that you can call yourself a jawbreaker.


Pathways were introduced in 2nd semester. So many choices. your friends are going down one way but where did YOU want to end up? Take the wrong pathway, and you could slip, fall and break you confidence. You took a step back, looked at all your options and chose wisely.

Tetris_editYou chose a pathway that you felt, you’d fall right into place with. This picture also represents the production pathway. Producers, help create and build, put together, commercials and shows. making sure EVERY unique, speical and sepereate piece sticks and fits together to keep the game running smoothly. Like Tetris.


You’ve put heart and soul into everything you’ve done so far for this program. Constantly working hard. Like a constuction worker. when we started, that building was just getting built. Just like you were. Our profs are the ones who mold us, give us a strong foundation, insulate us with knowledge. Even with distrations around us, you stayed focused. Now, that building outside is almost complete. Just like you will be in April.

It takes time to build a strong, steady and long lasting structure.


uncomfortable. not knowing what to expect. fear. the thing we all felt when we sat in front of a live mic for the first time.

My sister is going to kill me for using this picture but still.

Station_home_editBut you know what. that helped us build confidence. Now, the station is your home. a place where you’re secure, confortable and can relax.


in the begiining this was like readeing chinese or playing twister for the 1st time.  moving all over the place, getting tangled up. now, it’s second nature. BUT even though we’re off, the pressue is always on.

Relationships_editin the past 2 years, we’ve made amazing friendships and some of us have made fantastic relationships. Even between the 01s and 02s, we’ve mixed with one another and become one. 01s are still the best, but i digress.


the ultimate goal is still the same as it was since day 1. make it….in radio.






Everybodys got a Story: Todd Shapiro

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sit down and Todd-Shapiro-Show1-614x307interview one of Sirius XMs finest and of course hard working radio personalities…Todd Shapiro.

Todd and I had a quick talk while I was working on the Humble and Fred show, and asked him if I could interview him, for a segment I like to call: Everybodys got a Story.

Todd agreed to the interview, but only if we could conduct the interview…Live on his on Sirius XM radio show. How awesome is that? I was super excited, and in was, for a fact, a huge opportunity for me, that I could not say no to.

So, I hope you enjoy my quick but insightful interview with Todd Shapiro on Everybodys got a Story.

Mancave – V-Log on how to fail an exam in 3 easy steps.

Man CaveHello Mancavers,
We are less than 48 hours away from the end of school and I just completed my last exam. And by completed, I mean failed my ass off.

How you ask?

With three simple steps.


Let me know if you yourself are also an expert at this three step plan.

Hit me up on Twitter right here!

Mancave – V-Log reviewing finale of Sons of Anarchy *WARNING SPOILER ALERT*

If you haven’t seen the finale and don’t want to know what happens, tune out NOW!


If you’re still with me, welcome! I wanted to follow up from my prediction blog and see how many I got right. At the same time, I wanted to also review the finale and give my thoughts on it.

Sons of Anarchy in it’s completion is now in my Top 3 shows of all time.

It has now joined the likes of The Sopranos
And Oz

So without further adoo/adiue/adu, here’s my V-Log!


Let me know what you thought of the finale on my Twitter page right here.

Mancave – Sons Of Anarchy Finale Predictions

Man CaveAs you may know about me, from my Top 5 Movie Villain Podcast, I love the BAD GUY! I love me some organized crime movies or T.V Series’

So it should come as no surprise that I’ve been watching the Sons of Anarchy, and sadly the show is coming to a close tonight.

Now like most movie/T.V aficionado’s, I make predictions for how I think things will end. I have a lot of expectations for the ending of S.O.A, and decided to make 5 predictions for the finale.

1.) The main character Jax Teller will die…

Now I know this isn’t a bold prediction, as a lot of people have predicted this. So I’ll take one further. Not only will Jax die. The entire motorcycle gang will die as well. The show teased in last week’s episode that he would die due to a Mayhem vote. For those who aren’t aware, that’s when the rest of your club votes to have you killed. But I think that’s a swerve. There was a character at the end of season 1 or 2 named Ethan Zobelle.

He was an enemy that they had cornered and had an opportunity to kill, however they let him live after rushing to Jax’s aid to find his son who was kidnapped. Now they had ample opportunity to kill him, and in fact, he is the only enemy that they had, that disappeared and didn’t die. They never mentioned him again. And that’s the “Surprise”. I’ve had this theory for about a season or two now, and have talked to several people about it. And they don’t agree with me, or didn’t think of it. (If this happens, I’m a genius. Just stating that, right now.) What I actually think happens is they are going to be taking the Mayhem vote, and he will show up and shoot the entire club. Anyways, on to prediction 2. (I Promise they won’t be as long).

2.) Nero Padilla dies.


Sad I know. Why should he die. He’s a lovable man with integrity that’s an O.G. He just wants to get to the farm with his son. And that’s the reason I think he’s going to die. His past will catch up to him. Plus it’ll make people really sad. (I’m all about good characters dying in movies.)

3.) The Grim Bastards become the first black members of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle gang.


I know they’ve already hinted at it, and it’s not exactly a bold prediction, but not everything that is supposed to happen does.

4.) Alvarez stabs the SONS in the back.

https://i0.wp.com/ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTc0NTg1OTQ3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjgyMDE0Ng@@._V1_SX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpgWhy? Because he was the first enemy we learned about in the show. He has a rival motorcycle gang. We’re supposed to believe there’s peace between the gangs? I don’t think so. I think they purposely kept the 2 gangs from beefing so that they could save it for one last episode.

5.) Over 40 People die in this last episode.

http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140304172912/sonsofanarchy/images/3/37/Randall_(1).jpgThat’s right. This will be the most gory episode in T.V history. I think the bodies are going to hit the Floor.
Cue the music….

Anyways those are my predictions for tonight. I’ll have updates tomorrow with how many predictions I actually got right.

If you agree or disagree with any of my predictions, or have some of your own, I want to here about. Hit my Twitter account up right here.

Jammin’ With Geoff: A New Bond To Share

Welcome to another addition of Jammin’ with Geoff! Big news happened out of Pinewood Studios this morning as you may have already heard. Sam Mendes, director of such incredible films as American Beauty, Road to Perdition and the most recent addition to the James Bond franchise, Skyfall was on the scene at 6am EST to unveil with great anticipation the title of the 24th feature and the follow up to the worldwide phenomenon that was Skyfall.

The whole video is below, but if you can’t wait like I did, just skip to 2:00. If you’re a huge Bond fan like I am, you’ll be glad you did.

Epic, right? Did you see that car? If I could sell my future romantic life for that car, I would! Because let’s face it, I ain’t getting lucky any time soon!

The first thing that caught my eye was the impeccable choice of name, also viewable below.
Spectre Poster

Fans of the franchise will know that SPECTRE – which stands for Special Executive for Counter-Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion – was an old-school terrorist organization that Agent 007 frequently came into contact with in the earlier years. Sadly, the memorable organization or it’s head hasn’t been featured on screen in over 30 years. Well luckily, after settling a dispute over ownership of the famed group of foes, SPECTRE will be making a big return in terms of plot and is also getting the great honour of being the title of the freaking film!

Another thing that has me as excited as a kid at Christmas is the amazing cast. Returning of course are Mr. Daniel Craig as James Bond 007, Rory Kinnear as Tanner, Chief of Staff, Ben Wishaw as the youngest Q ever, Naomi Harris as the gorgeous Eve Moneypenny, and taking over after Judi Dench’s unfortunate departure, Ralph Fiennes as M. They added so much to Skyfall and can’t wait to see them again for Spectre. A new inclusion to the MI6 family is Sherlock’s Andrew Scott as a fellow named Denbigh (It’s pronounced “Den-bee”. I had issues too). Joining him as new inductees to the film are Dave Bautista playing a henchman known as Mr. Hinx, Monica Belluci as Lucia Sciarra, Lea Seydoux as Madeleine Swann, and two-time Oscar winner Christoph Waltz as the main villain Bond will go up against.

Now many people figured that given Mr. Waltz’s status in the film, and then the reveal of the title, he’d be playing old school Bond baddie Ernst Stavro Blofeld. But on the IMDb page, he’s listed as Oberhauser. So from appearances sake, Blofeld will be waiting to return to the Bond franchise.

HOWEVER!!! I am of the belief that Waltz could still be Blofeld and here’s why. Recently, a ton of movies have been doing the ol’ bait n’ switch with characters. Star Trek Into Darkness revealed Benedict Cumberbatch’s villain John Harrison to be a classic Star Trek villain by the name of Khan. Skyfall made a pair of big reveals when Naomi Harris’ Eve was unveiled to be the iconic Moneypenny. Even Ralph Fiennes went from being Gareth Mallory to the new M. So who knows how many people will be knocked unconscious by Christoph Waltz simply for teasing him about his “real identity”. Only time will tell.

I do know one thing, I’m gonna be counting the days until November 6, 2015 when Spectre makes its big unveiling. Wouldn’t blame you if you did too.

‘Tis the season to be Jolly…

So here’s the deal…

There’s only 8 more days left in the semester, and things are actually looking up in means of school. Everyone is pretty much kicking ass when it comes to assignments/exams and then that’s when you realize there’s only 21 more days until Christmas. I’m sure by now most people have their Christmas tree up, the smell of fresh pine is in the air(unless you have a fake tree from Walmart like me, that’s fine too) and have all sorts of Christmas decorations hanging beautiful-christmas-tree2around the house, and you just know for a fact that once that long and very well deserved Christmas break is over, and you go back to school or work, people might not recognize you(unfortunately) due to all the weight you’re probably going to gain from all of the delicious chocolate, turkey, stuffing, garlic bread, cake, not to mention the candy candies and whatever Santa left for you in your stocking…I could go on forever.

Good thing that “New Years Resolution” always comes in handy….I am right…huh…oh wait…thats just a figure of speech…right?


But of course, just because it’s Christmas and you are on your Christmas break, doesn’t mean it’s all about you. You always have to be thinking about your family, friends, and loved ones.

But it’s also time to think about the ones, who are less unfortunate then you. Everyone loves Christmas, and everyone deserves to have a happy holidays and a happy news years(even if you are a filthy animal).

So in saying that, I encourage anyone and everyone who reads this blog post, or who as ever read a blog post to be generous this year and to take a step back from reality and realize that there are millions of people each year who don’t get to experience a Christmas like other people do. If you don’t feel like having bad karma for the rest of the year, might I suggest you head out to your local Toy Drive and donate, or you can visit CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish and donate online.

Merry Christmas, ya little jerks.

-Scotty Shade.

Mancave Podcast – Birthday Edition – With Dilan Avila

Man CaveHere we go… Another edition of the Mancave podcast, with special co-host Dilan Avila.

And today’s episode is the Birthday edition. That’s right, Dilan Avila and myself are both Sagittariuses or is it Sagittariai? No clue what the plural is for Sagittarius. And now I’ve gone and said the word one too many times.

Anyways, like we said, its the Birthday edition.

https://i0.wp.com/webcodeshools.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/063840-Sports_Birthday_Cake.jpgNo clue who Carter/Couter is but thought the cake looked great when I saw it.

On the podcast we talk about our favourite, and not so favourite birthday moments.

Plus we sing the Birthday song to… each other.

All about that bromance.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/425070140439662592/hoooQqxm.jpegWell, we’re NOT that close.

Anyways here’s the podcast.

We want to know what’s the best or worst present you’ve ever received.

Hit me up on twitter right here.

Or Dilan Avila right here.

Take Care



This is Sarah’s blueprint of what she wants her cake to look like for her wedding. And yes she did draw that, isn’t she an amaaaazing  artist?

IMG_4149 IMG_0312

These are Sarah’s cutest cake toppers in the world! Look at the hearts on their bums, they’re like freakin’ Care Bears!


This is Roxy the cutest American Bulldog ever that a customer at my job left outside…poor thing, she was so sweet I wanted to just take her home with me.


xoxo until next week lovely people!

– Sarah & Isabella

Box Office Blunders: BLOGcast


This time YOU get to fill my shoes.

This week, I thought of tweeking my podcast just a bit. It could be because I’m feeling jolly thanks to christmas being less than a month away. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!

My podcast this week has turned into a BLOGcast, not because I’m lazy but because I want to let you feel what it is to have the POWER!…..but mostly it’s because I’m lazy….KIDDING!

What power am I talking about? the power for you to TRASH ME on MY all time favourite movies. I usually trash movies that don’t live up to their hype. This week, I thought it’d be nice for you to see what movies catch my interest so you can see what I love watching and for YOU to get to review my interests. Be RUTHLESS! DON’T hold back! if you hate my movies, let me know! if you love em, let me know! I don’t hold back at all! I don’t expect you to either!

Without further adew, Here are my top 5 favourite movies of ALL-TIME:

1. 40 Year Old Virgin


 The 40-year old virgin will always be my all-time favourite movie. The first time I watched it, when I was like 13 (hey, don’t judge!) I died of laughter. From chest waxing to a big o’l box of porn, every scene in that movie was hilarious. I loved it so much that I watched it probably over 20 times and by the end of it all, I knew all the words to the movie. Mooj was my favourite character

2. A Bronx Tale


This is one of the two movies that I own on VHS. I am a big fan of Mafia/ Italian Mobster movies. A Bronx Tale ranks at number one for me. Ahead of Goodfellas and ahead of The Godfather. Fuhgetabout it! One of the reasons why I love this movie is because of the connection you make with each character. Each character represents a different dimension of me. You’ve got your funny Joe, Serious Joe, deep Joe, crazy Joe, etc. This movie also has tons of memorable and thought provoking quotes. Call me corny but there are a few of them that I even live by. One of those is the door test. Oh baby does this ever work!

3. Forrest Gump


Forrest Gump’s acting was phenomenal and the plot was great. It’s an entertaining movie, and just like A Bronx Tale, this movie had memorable quotes, scenes and characters! Bubba-Gump Shrimp, Lieutenant Dan, Run Forrest run!) Awesome.

4. Silver Linings Playbook


 Okay, I’ll be honest here. I’m a sucker for romance movies. I’m not afraid to admit it! They’re actually really good, man! Once I seen it, I fell in love. The ending was spectacular. It brought the whole movie together and just made you say “AWWW!!” I MIGHT have shedded a tear….maybe….possibly…okay, did BUT how could you not cry after this?!

5. Borat


VER NEZ! SEXY TIMEZ! need I say more?

There you go, your honour! My top 5 favourite movies of all time! I backed up my choices with good reasoning (I hope). Now it’s all left to you! rip me into shreds or applaud my interesting movie choices.

Send me your reviews @JoeyCast93

If you need help on how to rip me a new A**hole, listen to these! Here & Here

Just don’t let the power go to your head!

The Short Bus Podcast

We meet a guy. We hate him now. He’s a lot to take in. This is the “Roulette Episode” find out why. Join Andrew, Bunsie, and Zach on the bus ride of a lifetime. Podcasting Prime.




Or subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/andrews-world-of-radio/id833951126 …

You Have A Horrible Name!


HMNIIt’s time for a name change.

Why could the label that your parents put on you be so bad? There’s only one reason why your name could be so important this time of year…CHRISTMAS!


He’s making a list and checking it twice, and he’s going to find out who’s naughty or nice…

– actually he already has –

Santa has already made a list of the top 3 Naughty names of 2014 and yours might be on it! So if you really wanted that xbox 1, ps4 or new car…you’re going to have to email the big fat man with the white long beard yourself. Hey, I can talk bad about him, I’M ON THE LIST!

Without further adew, here are the Top 3 naughtiest names of 2014:

3. Will & Olivia

2. Cameron & Bethany

1. Joey & Ella

Is your Ex’s name up there? Is YOUR name up there? if so, join the club! and to make things even worse, mine is number one! Like c’mon Santa, cut me some slack! I only swore like no more than 2,000 times this year and I only lied like 8 times…okay thats a lie, it was like 20 times…BUT STILL! I deserve that ps4! I almost gave that homeless person $1 but then I remebered I was hungry so I bought chips, it’s the thought that counts right?!

Meh you know what, I’m not going to beg. I’ll be happy with my lump of coal. My heater is broken anyways so I need something to warm my house.

But for you! if your name is on this list, how are you going to prove to this fat guy – who can barely fit in chimneys and tight red pants – that you’re nice? Luckily for you, you’re motivated and don’t give up easily like I just did. You have 1 month to show you’re worthy to be switched over. My advice, buy a lot of milk and cookies.

But, my advice on staying on the naughty list? Don’t change your name, buy Santa veggies, a treadmill and a scale and you’ll be just fine!

Let me know what your ideas are for getting on the nice list -> @JoeyCast93

In the meantime, I’ll be enjoying my lump of coal and eating like a King on Christmas.


 Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Jammin’ With Geoff: The Subject of Sequels

Welcome to another addition of Jammin’ With Geoff! This weeks discussion is a simple one. Namely, when are sequels okay and when are they like taking a cheese grater to your forehead? With these questions in mind, I take a look at the release of a brand new sequel by the name of Dumb and Dumber To.

Here you go:


The Mancave Podcast… Karaoke Edition

Man Cave

Welcome to another edition of the Mancave Podcast!

As always I’m your host George Tsilfidis A.K.A G-Stack George, and on this weeks episode I’m hitting more high notes than an RnB singer.

I actually throw down and start singing in the podcast. Now for a little back-story, my father is a great singer and even gets paid to sing, and his father (my grandfather) was a great singer as well. Now while I did inherit the music gene, it wasn’t in a singing capacity.

At first I thought I’d be just as bad as William Hung.

For those who don’t get the reference, watch the video below.

But after hearing myself, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

That being said, without further adieu/ado/adoo, here’s this week’s Man Cave Podcast.

I wanna know what you think, was how good/bad was I? On a scale of 1-10.

Let me know by tweeting me here.

Tweet your number and use the Hashtag #MancavePodcast

Everything EDM Blog Post – David Guetta ‘Listen’ Album Review

Hello ravers, its yours truly Chris Caputo back again, this time in blog form. I’ll be doing an early review of David Guetta’s highly anticipated 6th studio album ‘Listen.’ I just got my hands on this 14 track work of gold today and trust me it won’t disappoint. If you came in expecting this album just to be like his last album ‘Nothing But The Beat’ you are absolutely wrong. This is a totally different Guetta you’ll be listening to – all these tracks could easily become hits on Top 40 radio, but they are all unique in their own ways.

The lead single ‘Dangerous’ featuring Sam Martin sounds so out of left field but its chorus and catchiness will have you hooked. According to my iTunes, I’ve listened to this track 138 times, its that catchy! There’s other tracks on the album that really catch you off guard like ‘The Whisperer’ with Sia, which is a piano ballad that shows off Sia’s amazing talented voice or the bonus track on the deluxe edition ‘Rise’ with Skylar Grey, which is a more rock track that sounds like something from The Black Keys.

As with any David Guetta album, the list of collaborators is nothing short of stellar. There’s singers like John Legend, Nico & Vinz, Magic!, Ryan Tedder, and Nicki Minaj who appear. Many other DJs and producers lend their talent too like Afrojack, StadiumX, Nicky Romero, Avicii, and Showtek (who appear on two tracks – ‘No Money No Love’ and ‘Sun Goes Down’).

With this album, David Guetta promised that it would be something very different from his previous pop sounds and it definitely lives to that promise he made. Give this album a listen, its totally worth it. Thats all you need to do, just ‘Listen’ and let this work of music speak to you in a way it hasn’t before.

Preview the album here: https://soundcloud.com/davidguetta/sets/david-guetta-listen-deluxe-edition-previews

Follow David Guetta:




Box Office Blunders, Ep. 2: In need of a GPS


This next movie was not so stellar.

This week’s episode of Box Office Blunders has me reviewing the sci-fi-ish? movie Interstellar. I saw it on the weekend and once again  I found another bust….not BLOCKbuster. It’ll make you cry, find out why! Enjoy!

Got complaints, praises for me or ideas for other reviewable movies? You know where to go! @JoeyCast93

Rainbow Cinemas at Woodbine still has 5$ Tuesdays and Thursdays, if youhave 3 hrs to waste and a map or GPS, go and watch it!

I made a Ouija reference from my 1st episode. If you missed last week’s innaugural episode, take a listen here

Jammin’ With Geoff: The Brand

My brand, simply put, is film commentary. Movies will be the main subject every week and with each week, a different topic will be centered around it. Previous topics included my passion for film, my five favourite war films in honour of Remembrance Day, and what movies to be excited for in 2014. The reason behind my doing this is simply because I love movies and believe that everyone can relate to enjoying a good movie, being inspired, delighted, terrified and moved by a movie and because they take us away when we want to get away. It’s a universal theme. My sub-group I’m aiming for is film aficionados in the 18-44 bracket.



This week the Sarah & Isabella Show has decided to go video (ooooh ahhhhh)

We discuss…

– All the recent Kim Kardashian news…booty, her app, 2 Broke Girls and more.

– Wal-Mart: yay or nay?

– and Bathroom Etiquette for all the nasty ladies who don’t know how to use a bathroom properly.

See you next week, when you get to find out which dress Sarah finally picked, yay!!

– Sarah & Isabella 🙂

Chris Caputo’s Top 5 EDM Tracks – Week of Nov 10th 2014

Chris Caputo gives you 5 brand new EDM tracks that you NEED to listen to on repeat non-stop. Fresh newly squeezed picks from the Canadian Pete Tong himself for you to enjoy and get up and dance to. Hope you enjoy, would love to hear some feedback from you (especially on my dance moves which you see plenty of in the video! :D)



Knife Party’s ‘Abandon Ship’ in full: https://soundcloud.com/knifepartyinc/…
Buy all the tracks mentioned on the Top 5 on Beatport:

  • Category

What happened that fateful knight?



This week on Behind the Mic. Scotty Shade reveals what happened that fateful Knight, when a fellow classmate; Jared Knight Fudge decided to leave his career in the radio business, and disappeared without a trace.

Scotty Shade gets up close and personal, with the story of JKF and talks to his fellow classmates and Radio Humber Broadcasters, to get their reaction and thoughts on finding out, why and what happened to Jared. It’s a story unlike any, anyone has ever heard of before. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll even question; “What’s really going on here” and to answer that question…I have no clue. Behind the Mic – The Jared Knight Fudge Story.

Radio Humber, and students of the Radio Broadcasting Class want to thank Jared for the time he spent with the class and the work he has done on Radio Humber. So long Jared and Good Luck =)



The Short Bus is back with something very special. The Short Bus After Hours! A vlog where you can see what we do when we’re not doing the podcast. With a very special guest too! Come join Andrew, Bunsie, and Zach on the not bus ride of a lifetime. Vlogcasting Prime. Check out episodes of The Short Bus here.