Snooze Button


Get ready to go on an adventure. Don’t worry, you won’t even have to get up – wicked right? –

In this wicked show? movie? clip? episode? porno? (you do see me change in front of you so…) we’ll just call it a movie.

The character, Joey, is late for school. Or so he thinks. His conscience (narrator) makes fun of him and takes advantage of his lack of responsibility. Joey is in a race against time to get to school. However, there’s a surprise waiting for him when he’s about to leave the house.


My legs are on FLEEK

Follow me on twitter and instagram(more videos there): @JoeyCast93

Slide into my DM’s, you might get some more photos or videos of me changing in the bathroom 😉 Pics for pics? haha!




Think back to a few years ago. You were at home, work, a friend’s house or whenever, on a computer, choosing a college/ university to go to. So many choices in front of you, so many programs. you thought this would be a straight decision but it instead, as if you were on a curvy road, you dipped and dodged schools and programs until you found this baby.


Sent in your application, came to do the essay, spoke with Sheila, Neil, Robyn or whoever and a few weeks later, you were accepted into the family. You were as happy as a kid in a candy store, or in this case, like my nephew going into bath time.


Feel special because out of the hundreds of applicants and wannabe’s, you were the most special and talented one. out of 70 open spots, 1 had your name on it. you made it into the limited capacity.


YOU rose above the rest, during the interview process. As an announcer and newscaster, you talked your ASS OFF, during that meeting, so much so that you can call yourself a jawbreaker.


Pathways were introduced in 2nd semester. So many choices. your friends are going down one way but where did YOU want to end up? Take the wrong pathway, and you could slip, fall and break you confidence. You took a step back, looked at all your options and chose wisely.

Tetris_editYou chose a pathway that you felt, you’d fall right into place with. This picture also represents the production pathway. Producers, help create and build, put together, commercials and shows. making sure EVERY unique, speical and sepereate piece sticks and fits together to keep the game running smoothly. Like Tetris.


You’ve put heart and soul into everything you’ve done so far for this program. Constantly working hard. Like a constuction worker. when we started, that building was just getting built. Just like you were. Our profs are the ones who mold us, give us a strong foundation, insulate us with knowledge. Even with distrations around us, you stayed focused. Now, that building outside is almost complete. Just like you will be in April.

It takes time to build a strong, steady and long lasting structure.


uncomfortable. not knowing what to expect. fear. the thing we all felt when we sat in front of a live mic for the first time.

My sister is going to kill me for using this picture but still.

Station_home_editBut you know what. that helped us build confidence. Now, the station is your home. a place where you’re secure, confortable and can relax.


in the begiining this was like readeing chinese or playing twister for the 1st time.  moving all over the place, getting tangled up. now, it’s second nature. BUT even though we’re off, the pressue is always on.

Relationships_editin the past 2 years, we’ve made amazing friendships and some of us have made fantastic relationships. Even between the 01s and 02s, we’ve mixed with one another and become one. 01s are still the best, but i digress.


the ultimate goal is still the same as it was since day 1. make it….in radio.






Box Office Blunders: Merry CRAPmas


This Movie’s Director should forever be on the naughty list.

This week’s Box Office Blunder’s BLOGcast has a seasonal flare to it. Christmas is in 2 weeks so today, I’m talking about the ALL TIME WORST CHRISTMAS MOVIE EVER!

For some reason Christmas flicks are never really that good. There are more hits than misses. Elf, Home Alone, and the other classic movies like, clamation Rudolph are all great but you can probably count the good christmas movies on one hand.

So this week, I had to do some real good and indepth research to choose the #1 Worst Christmas Movie of all time.

The hard working and intelligent staff at Box Office Blunders, my brain, was put through intense obstacles to find it but I think you can agree that I did a good job.

Here’s a perfect song as you unwrap your not so perfect christmas gift:


Christmas With The Kranks (2004)


This movie graced the movie screen 10 years ago! AMC theatres was still around….I know….

Then it immediately graced those $5 movie bins at Wal-Mart.

If you seen it, you know how BAD it actually was. If you haven’t, I applaud you. Might have been the smartest choice in your lifetime. I’m not going to talk about ANY scenes or anything. I’m not going to waste your time or my time. If you took a girl or guy out to watch this movie on a date. That’s why you’re single now.

At first, you thought, oh? Tim Allen, Jamie Lee Curtis and Dan Aykroyd, pretty good line up of actors, it should be good. *Buzzer sound* NOT EVEN CLOSE!

Instead of them skipping Christmas, they should have skipped making this movie.

The movie poster should have been a warning to all of us. “NO!” don’t go watch this.

The acting, plot, “funny” parts and liners were horrible. R. Kelly could have written a better movie and he can’t even read or write!

Trust me picking this movie for the worst christmas movie of all time wasn’t easy. It was honestly torture. I re-watched every trailer of every possible candidate (couldn’t manage to watch the entire movie) and after 30 seconds of watching the trailer, I knew I found the winner.


Deck The Halls (2006)        


Jingle All The Way (1996)


Fred Claus (2007)


Bad Santa (2003)


Do you agree with my choice? What’s the worst christmas movie YOU ever watched? Slide into my DMs and let me know! Until next week, Merry CRAPmas and Happy Poo Year! (I had to)

If you missed any of my Box Office Blunders blogs or podcast episodes, catch up here, here and here.

Box Office Blunders: BLOGcast


This time YOU get to fill my shoes.

This week, I thought of tweeking my podcast just a bit. It could be because I’m feeling jolly thanks to christmas being less than a month away. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!

My podcast this week has turned into a BLOGcast, not because I’m lazy but because I want to let you feel what it is to have the POWER!…..but mostly it’s because I’m lazy….KIDDING!

What power am I talking about? the power for you to TRASH ME on MY all time favourite movies. I usually trash movies that don’t live up to their hype. This week, I thought it’d be nice for you to see what movies catch my interest so you can see what I love watching and for YOU to get to review my interests. Be RUTHLESS! DON’T hold back! if you hate my movies, let me know! if you love em, let me know! I don’t hold back at all! I don’t expect you to either!

Without further adew, Here are my top 5 favourite movies of ALL-TIME:

1. 40 Year Old Virgin


 The 40-year old virgin will always be my all-time favourite movie. The first time I watched it, when I was like 13 (hey, don’t judge!) I died of laughter. From chest waxing to a big o’l box of porn, every scene in that movie was hilarious. I loved it so much that I watched it probably over 20 times and by the end of it all, I knew all the words to the movie. Mooj was my favourite character

2. A Bronx Tale


This is one of the two movies that I own on VHS. I am a big fan of Mafia/ Italian Mobster movies. A Bronx Tale ranks at number one for me. Ahead of Goodfellas and ahead of The Godfather. Fuhgetabout it! One of the reasons why I love this movie is because of the connection you make with each character. Each character represents a different dimension of me. You’ve got your funny Joe, Serious Joe, deep Joe, crazy Joe, etc. This movie also has tons of memorable and thought provoking quotes. Call me corny but there are a few of them that I even live by. One of those is the door test. Oh baby does this ever work!

3. Forrest Gump


Forrest Gump’s acting was phenomenal and the plot was great. It’s an entertaining movie, and just like A Bronx Tale, this movie had memorable quotes, scenes and characters! Bubba-Gump Shrimp, Lieutenant Dan, Run Forrest run!) Awesome.

4. Silver Linings Playbook


 Okay, I’ll be honest here. I’m a sucker for romance movies. I’m not afraid to admit it! They’re actually really good, man! Once I seen it, I fell in love. The ending was spectacular. It brought the whole movie together and just made you say “AWWW!!” I MIGHT have shedded a tear….maybe….possibly…okay, did BUT how could you not cry after this?!

5. Borat


VER NEZ! SEXY TIMEZ! need I say more?

There you go, your honour! My top 5 favourite movies of all time! I backed up my choices with good reasoning (I hope). Now it’s all left to you! rip me into shreds or applaud my interesting movie choices.

Send me your reviews @JoeyCast93

If you need help on how to rip me a new A**hole, listen to these! Here & Here

Just don’t let the power go to your head!

You Have A Horrible Name!


HMNIIt’s time for a name change.

Why could the label that your parents put on you be so bad? There’s only one reason why your name could be so important this time of year…CHRISTMAS!


He’s making a list and checking it twice, and he’s going to find out who’s naughty or nice…

– actually he already has –

Santa has already made a list of the top 3 Naughty names of 2014 and yours might be on it! So if you really wanted that xbox 1, ps4 or new car…you’re going to have to email the big fat man with the white long beard yourself. Hey, I can talk bad about him, I’M ON THE LIST!

Without further adew, here are the Top 3 naughtiest names of 2014:

3. Will & Olivia

2. Cameron & Bethany

1. Joey & Ella

Is your Ex’s name up there? Is YOUR name up there? if so, join the club! and to make things even worse, mine is number one! Like c’mon Santa, cut me some slack! I only swore like no more than 2,000 times this year and I only lied like 8 times…okay thats a lie, it was like 20 times…BUT STILL! I deserve that ps4! I almost gave that homeless person $1 but then I remebered I was hungry so I bought chips, it’s the thought that counts right?!

Meh you know what, I’m not going to beg. I’ll be happy with my lump of coal. My heater is broken anyways so I need something to warm my house.

But for you! if your name is on this list, how are you going to prove to this fat guy – who can barely fit in chimneys and tight red pants – that you’re nice? Luckily for you, you’re motivated and don’t give up easily like I just did. You have 1 month to show you’re worthy to be switched over. My advice, buy a lot of milk and cookies.

But, my advice on staying on the naughty list? Don’t change your name, buy Santa veggies, a treadmill and a scale and you’ll be just fine!

Let me know what your ideas are for getting on the nice list -> @JoeyCast93

In the meantime, I’ll be enjoying my lump of coal and eating like a King on Christmas.


 Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Box Office Blunders, Ep. 2: In need of a GPS


This next movie was not so stellar.

This week’s episode of Box Office Blunders has me reviewing the sci-fi-ish? movie Interstellar. I saw it on the weekend and once again  I found another bust….not BLOCKbuster. It’ll make you cry, find out why! Enjoy!

Got complaints, praises for me or ideas for other reviewable movies? You know where to go! @JoeyCast93

Rainbow Cinemas at Woodbine still has 5$ Tuesdays and Thursdays, if youhave 3 hrs to waste and a map or GPS, go and watch it!

I made a Ouija reference from my 1st episode. If you missed last week’s innaugural episode, take a listen here

Journey To Manhood


Pepe Le Pew still has better game than my cousin Cris.

My video blog follows my cousin Cris on his journey to………holla at a girl.

If you have trouble getting girls, DON’T take tips from my cousin Cris. Watch his journey of getting a number….I mean “trying” to get a number. See how he does! Trust me, after watching it, you’ll have the confidence to ask that girl you admire, out. There’s no way you’re as bad as my cousin Cris.


If you think you can do better than Cris, give it a shot! Go to Vaughn Mills and make the same stops! DM me your results here.

And if you do plan on going, find closer parking spots.

Box Office Blunders Podcast


Halloween is now over but it’s never a bad time to watch a horror movie. This is a new podcast called Box Office Blunders. I’m reviewing two scary movies, Ouija and Annabelle , that should have never been released to the public. Not because they are scary as hell but for a different reason. I’m a big horror movie fan so click play to see what I have to say.

HINT: Do you still have your receipt?

Send me your comments or ideas for movies that I should review-> @joeyCast93

I also said Annabelle is a “Flea Market Movie”, here are some local flea markets that you can hit up: Dr. Flea’s Flea Market, 747 Flea Market, Fantastic Flea Market

$pooktacular Co$tume Tip$


She obviously gets her good looks from me.

You can look like a million bucks by only spending 20.

Halloween is crazy expensive, heck for a costume alone, you’re down 60 bucks and thats without the make up and wig. (You’re lucky as hell if your costume comes with one.) Costume shops forget that you’re a college student and you can barely afford to buy food for the week let alone a costume for one day.

I’m hear to change that.

Last year, my sister (above) had tons of people comment on how wicked her costume was and their first question was, “How expensive was that?” Her response, “it costed me two big mac combos, 20 bucks” My sister is not a make up artist, not even close to one, she can barely paint her own nails BUT she is creative and mad cheap. That deadly combo created one, budget friendly and epic Halloween costume. You’re in luck because I’ll tell you what she used and where she bought it so you can create your own budget friendly

IMG_4765[1]costume for this year.

6 Things she used:

1. Liquid Latex -> $7.00 at Party Market in Woodbridge

2. Fake Blood (2) ->$2.00 at Dollarama

3. White Shirt-> $2.00 at Value Village

4. Jeans-> $7.00 at Value Village

5. Red Hair Dye-> $1.25 at Dollarama

6. White Paint-> $1.00 at Dollarama

Grand Total: $20.25



Quick point-> My sister used a lot of her own make up like mascara and eyeliner for the shading and colouring around her eyes so that saved her money as well.

If you have any of the 6 things she used at home, use it! Makes your life easier and your bank account happier!

Once you have all the ingredients to make this epic costume, get to work on your face and costume. My sister just used scissors and cut up her white shirt then she splattered a tube of fake blood all over her shirt. It was a DIFFERENT kind of wet t-shirt contest. Jason OR Freddy Krueger would have probably had an extra knife in their pocket when they seen that 😉

Like I said earlier, my sister isn’t a make up artist, she used this video tutorial as an outline to help her create her face but then she spun it her own way. Here you go, enjoy!

To show off your makeover, there’s three Halloween events happening at Linx this week.

It Takes Two Podcast: TTC Pet Peeves



The Bus You Ride To School Everyday. The Enchanted 191 Rocket

You won’t have to lower the volume on your computers or phones, my voice won’t be hitting those high notes in this podcast. I ditched the singing…just for this episode… to talk about the annoying behavior that you and I always experience when we ride the TTC. Well, in reality, any bus we ride, even the short bus. Had to plug their wicked podcast.

Listening to Clara’s podcast last week about public transit etiquette really got me fired up and inspired me to finally shed light on TTC Pet Peeves.

There’s five things I talk about that you always notice on the bus that gets on your nerves but never say or do anything about it. I am your voice of salvation! These are common things and if you don’t notice these things than you’re probably the person that causes some of it….if you are…..we…..are….going….to…have…to…have….a…little…chat……

Enjoy this week’s episode of the It Takes Two Podcast.    As always, send me some ideas for songs or topics for my next shows. You’re welcome to slide right into my DMs here and here 

The Song beds that I used were strategically picked!

Get Low – Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz (Window speech)

Somebody Just Poop – Goofy (B.O. on the bus)

Stand Up – Ludacris (Self Explanatory)

Baby – Justin Bieber (Big Ass Strollers)

Parking Wars



Picture must have been taken on the weekend.


What’s the one thing about Humber that seems to get worse the longer you’re here? No, not the line at timmies, it’s the other line. The one outside….in the parking lot. Those early morning classes are brutal as it is but why should playing hide and seek with parking spots have to add onto our stress? I’m not bashing our school at all, I’m just shedding some light on a problem that never seems to be fixed.


At the start of September, parking passes were over booked! Humber College or Humber Airways? You don’t want to wake up earlier in order to actually get a spot, that’s madness! You don’t want to park over at Woodbine and take a school bus even though it has heat and a radio! so epic. You brought your car to not have to take any sort of bus in the first place! You just want to come to school, find a parking spot WITHOUT PROBLEMS and get to your class, buy a booster juice or check out some booty at the gym.

I wanted to provide some comic relief for students with my podcast. It’s a parody song to Daft Punk’s – Get Lucky. I call this masterpeice, “Up All Night To Find Parking.”


My voice is almost identical to Pharrell’s. Enjoy!

Let me know what other spoofs you’d like me to do, just slide into my DM’s  here  or here

Say I, Then Spell Cup


Are you done watching me urinate? Don’t worry, I’m not going to hit you or aim at you or call the cops. Believe it or not, it’s normal to watch people use public bathrooms.



Nora Young – CBC Spark

On Thursday afternoon, Nora Young – Creator and Host of CBC Radio’s “Spark” and authour of The Virtual Self – came to Humber to talk about the sudden rise of data collection. No, she wasn’t talking about USB’s, (That’s what I thought) She spoke about all the things we put online about our personal information. Everything from what we chose to share with apps to what you chose to share on the internet INCLUDING where we piss.

I might have needed depends when Nora showed us that information but since people watch us when we go to the bathroom, I wouldnt have been surprised if new underwear was being sent to me right away. Okay, I know people aren’t actually sitting in a room and legitamatly watching us through a camera or better yet, through a hole in the wall – a glorfied hole – they’re not watching at all BUT they are taking data from us when we pee or poop.

That info stuck out to me big time because one, it was so creepy (It could tell if you were pregnant before you could!) and two, I began to think, what other personal things, be it weird or not, are being recorded as “data”?  Does a company somewhere in buttf*** Idaho know how many wings I eat when I go to hooters? How many times I swear daily? How many girl’s butts I look at in a week? Nora’s presentation was interesting and eye opening. In the end, it is us who allow this data to be recorded. How many times do we download something off the internet and just click “I agree to the terms and conditions” and not even read it? I’m guilty of that, who knows what the fine print says and what info I agreed to share.

Her presentation reminded me a lot of Morgan Spurlock’s – The Super Size Me guy -documentary, ”The Inside Man” on CNN. It pretty much went more in depth into Nora’s Data collecting presentation. His doc showed the endless ways of tracking people online. It’s a solid documentary. Want to stalk that EX who broke your heart? Want to make sure your man is actually “working late”? Check this out:

Mind BLOWN! Technology is becoming more advanced but it seems as though their users are becoming duller. Nora’s presentation really made you think. It was an awesome lecture and one that you’d hate to miss.

To watch Nora’s entire presentation, just click here

A Vending Machine That Makes Your Life Decisions




“Marge, this may be hard to believe but I’m stuck inside two vending machines”

There’s one vending machine out there that’ll give you more than just pop, chips and gumballs…keep reading to find out what painful treat you’ll get!

HINT: It’ll leave you like Homer, with something stuck on your arms.

And just your luck, this very special vending machine is just a bus ride away…

OkeyDoke Tattoo parlour on Dundas St West has some help for the indecisive going in for a tattoo.....A gumball machine that will spit out a randomly chosen pattertn for your tattoo if you cant really pick one.....You spend your $80 and a random ball pops

Thanks to the super creative and comedic minds at the Okey Doke Tattoo Shop in the heart of the city- 790 Dundas St W –  you can let a gumball machine choose your tattoo! OUCH! If you’re feeling lucky, for $80 you can have a permanent ice breaker. So you can throw away that cheesy, “How much does a polar bear weigh? enough to break the ice, hey I’m (pathetic)” pick up line and just show off that crazy tattoo.

It’s wicked, so when you walk into the shop, all you have to do is slip a token you’re given into the machine and a plastic ball comes out…kinda like the ones that those promise rings – the same one you bought your grade 8 crush – come in.  Then just open it up and your new conversation starter appears.  The surprise factor is what get’s you so that’s why I’m not going to tell you what’s in the ball. (That’s what she said) I’ll only say that the designs are pretty funny and embarrassing!

I’ll give you a sneak peak at one, a tease at what you could expect..

Angel and its full moon

If a butt naked, Nikki Minaj type booty, angel catches your attention, imagine what it’ll to do to that guy or girl you keep eyeing down in the Cafe or at Linx 😉 and that’s only one of many tatts you could get stuck with! If you don’t have a tattoo yet, how awesome of a story would this be? what an experience! and if you do have tattoos, add more to the collection!

Be honest with yourself, is $80 worth the risk? Would you do it? At least,  you’ll have an awesome story to tell on why there’s a middle finger or lady on a donkey on your arm or ASS! – see what I did there? I should do stand up – Oh yeah, those are just some of the OTHER wildcards you could get. I’m done teasing.

If you go and get it done,  HIGH 5!


To get inked up via the gumball machine or to do it the old fashioned way, just visit

The Music Of The People



Reggae and dancehall is Everyone’s music.

I might be livin’ dangerously with this statement but like Serani, I’m playing no games. Reggae, Dancehall – you can even throw soca in there – are the only genres of music that’s universal. Even your big fat sister Niaomi with her tight up skirt and rum & redbull can turn me on. Now, I might be bias, just a “likkle” bit, because I grew up on it but you can’t tell me that when you hear the air horns and lazer sounds at your favourite bar, club or house party, you don’t perk up and transform into the king of the dancehall.


Yes, other types of music might be considered even more universal but answer me this. When you’re out with your girls or out with the man dem, what is the one type of music that gets the ENTIRE club, bar or house party up and dancing? It’s the bass bumpin’ sounds of Reggae/ Dancehall or soca beats. Don’t believe me? when rock is playing, what? you’ll only have maybe a handful of people air guitaring and jaming, while you look on laughing at their dance “moves”. If rap or hip hop plays you’ll only have dudes rocking straight jeans and fitteds, leaning back all over the dancefloor. If it’s oldies, you’ll only see cougars on the prawl, with their 80s hairstyle, reliving their youth. When those genres play, it only attracts a certain percentage of people at the place you’re at as opposed to EVERYONE. HOWEVER, once the carribbean beats start to mix in, the “AYYYYs”, “Big tune!”, begin to be heard around the club and people begin to jam up the dancefloor. That’s when you yourself, lift up what you’re drinking with one hand and make a “gun” gesture with the other, point to the air and fire because you know, the tune is bumpin’ and the party is just starting. Plus, the hoards of women begin to flood the dancefloor and you can finally dutty wine with that girl Shelly Ann!HeadsHighMrVegas

Don’t get me wrong, dancefloors get packed when rock, rap, oldies and other music starts playing but that’s because they’re being mixed in after the Reggae and dancehall tunes have already been played. The crowd has been warmed up BUT when the mood starts to die down or people aren’t dancing anymore, what’s the one type of genre DJ’s mostly turn to again? Exactly. It’s just what get’s the people going.

0000050198_350To me, Reggae and Dancehall is universal. It’s music suitable for everyone. Regardless of your race or ethnicity, you are bound to know at least one reggae, dancehall or soca tune. You also know what dance move to bust out when it plays too! – It’s a great leg and ab workout – guess this music is great for excercising too!

Next time you go out with your girls or out with the fellas, Me why hear ya scream while dancing to Reggae, dancehall and soca BUT remember who has the keys to your beamer.

Did you catch at least 1 of my 12 dancehall music references?


Humber had an awesome Reggae v Dancehall night at Linx. Relive it here


Humans Can Shape Shift

Even humans can transform -not, like morphing into robots or animals BUT we can shape shift.

I transformed from a meat-sweat ridden, borderline obese teenager with acne into a healthy, young STUD….with acne. We can’t have it ALL right? In all seriousness though – I’m neither that cocky nor narcissistic – I went from a round ball into a rectangle (shape-shifting). The “transformation” that I went through was my weight loss. Before I keep going, just know that this isn’t a testimonial of my rapid weight lost thanks to (insert brand name here). I’m just sharing my story to show you other ways to lose weight apart from taking dieting pills, using the gym or worse, starving yourself.

Circa 2011

Brother’s (Left) Wedding 2011

I should introduce myself. How rude of me! I’m Joseph, you can call me Joey or Joe, I’m a 2nd year Radio Broadcasting student and ever since I was about 3 years old I was fat. “So Joseph, Joe or Joey, what made you want to change?” Solid question. It all started in grade 12 when I went to the Doctor’s to do a physical because I wasn’t feeling that great. Now, Doctor’s offices aren’t that welcoming, they’re gloomy, there’s always a song on with a saxophone playing and in EVERY office there’s a cougher. That one person who coughs so much that you can physically see their lungs coming up their throats and into their mouths. Anyways, the final step to a physical is the weigh in. I stepped on the scale and weighed in at a WHOPPING 293 lbs. Yes, I’m tall (6’6) but I was still JUST 17 years old (I’m 20 now) and I was almost weighing 300 lbs! That’s when I told myself, you know what? Something has to change.



Prom 2011

Changing my lifestyle wasn’t easy. It took a while. I had no idea how to diet or even how to work out! Now, I’m stubborn and I like to think that I can do things myself. I know right? What a douche! But that’s what I did. I didn’t look anything up on the internet or anything for help. I just went with what I know so I started with what I ate by going on my own “diet”. At first, I told myself I could still eat fast food and junk food but until a certain time. I wouldn’t eat anything after midnight. I did that for a few months but nothing was really happening. So I went more in depth with my diet and asked myself, what do I eat a lot of that would be challenging to give up? Bread. That choice changed me forever. Once I got used to not eating bread, I took out other foods that I felt made me fat. Potatoes, Rice, Cheese, Spaghetti, all junk/ fast food, mayo, salad dressings, pop, ice cream, were all kicked out of my diet. I was pretty much just eating meats (chicken, beef, pork and fish) and fruits and vegetables. I would only eat 2-3 times a day and my new time to stop eating was 9pm. On top of that, I only drank 1 cup of juice and then just water or skim milk throughout the day. Once I got used to eating like that I brought in exercising and that’s when I started to shed pounds. I would jog 2-3 times a week for about 15 minutes and I would play sports. However, since I knew that was the only type of physical activity I was doing, Id play my ass off. This was a 2 year process. There was A LOT of trial and error but it was worth it in the end. In all, I lost 83 lbs going from 293 lbs to 210 lbs. Size 42-44 waist to 34-36, size XL-XXL shirts to M-L. Even my head shrunk! 7 5/8 in hats to 7 1/4.


June 2012

June 2012

Your excess weight can disappear but it all starts with YOU. It’s determination and motivation that’ll drive you. Seeing I was a 300 lbs teenager made me DETERMINED to change and challenge myself. Having to pay extra for lager sized clothing, not being able to find my size in brand name stores and not being able to look down and see my feet made me MOTIVATED to change. I kept my word and I didn’t take any diet pills or enhancements throughout the two years. The only thing I took were multivitamins. Since I took a lot of things out of my diet, I had to get the vitamins I was losing from those foods from the multivitamin pills. I did lose weight without going to the gym but now, I have to go to tone my body. I now read the nutrition facts on EVERYTHING and if I see 5% of total fat or more, I won’t eat it. If I know something has fat in it, I won’t touch it. Unless of course it’s a rare cheat day! I can now walk into a mall and not avoid or be embarrassed to walk into certain stores. My confidence is higher and my feet are actually really really long.

September 4th, 2014

September 4th, 2014

I have other pictures especially really embarrasing #TBTs on my instagram ->