Our True Competitive Side… Jared Vs Peter

I am pleased to announce a special edition of a video podcast for this week! Myself and Jared Launchbury show our true competitive colours when we play against each other in FIFA 14.


Who ends up winning? Watch the video to find out!

#VideoGaming #RadioHumber #JaredVsPeter #VideoBlog

Real Talk: Can Not-Sports Be Sports?

IT’S WEEK TWO OF REAL TALK!! They grow up so fast :’)

This week I got Brandon Greymon and Reverend Lee Nasty to have a friendly discussion with me about video game’s ability to be sports. I think they didn’t hear the words, “friendly discussion” though. They just heard, “Debate”.

Take a listen to me getting decimated on my own show and when your done, take a chance to decimate me on twitter @zak552.