The Isabella and Sarah Show



This week on the show we are talking about celebrity plastic surgeries, Rene Zellweger *cough cough* Niki Minaj and our thoughts on the subject of body image. So join us two gals for some real talk, real thoughts and opinions. Stay tuned next week for more celebrity gossip and shenanigans! Click here for our fantastical show ^_^

Hip Hop Heavy – 100% RAW

Whats Gucci

welcome Page 6 – this is some heavy stuff where we discuss entertainment and flashy life style. If you like celeb news than you’ve come to the right place

Hit that button below to have your brain waives infected by the hottest news right now

If you want to hear more Page 6 – follow @shaunbenols

MTM: Demi Lovato scares me….


Bridget Jones isn’t looking like herself lately. Amongst rumors of Renee having work done… she says NOPE, that is NOT the case.

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I’ll leave the judging up to you…. but… really? no work? you sure Renee?

SUPERNATURAL: **SPOILER** DEAN IS NO LONGER A DEMON  –  ya.. it’s big news… yupp.

Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 8.16.39 AMDEAN WINCHESTER has been saved by his younger brother Sam. This is awesome.. the show was taking a turn for the worst and now its back on track, did you love it as much as I did?  Tweet me your thoughts on the show! @amanda__santos1

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SJP has launched her new shoe line… in an interesting way to say the least….

You can purchase her line HERE .. or at least just take a gander

I tell you about it in episode 2 of MTM…

Does Demi Lovato scare you as much as she scares me? Don’t mess with her.. or Taylor Swift apparently….

Oh.. and if you haven’t heard Taylor Swift’s newest song that everyone is complaining about…here ya go

and with that.. I’m out

– Amanda Santos

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Real Talk: Can Not-Sports Be Sports?

IT’S WEEK TWO OF REAL TALK!! They grow up so fast :’)

This week I got Brandon Greymon and Reverend Lee Nasty to have a friendly discussion with me about video game’s ability to be sports. I think they didn’t hear the words, “friendly discussion” though. They just heard, “Debate”.

Take a listen to me getting decimated on my own show and when your done, take a chance to decimate me on twitter @zak552.

#ThoughtsOfCaputo Episode 1 – Basic White Girls

Another new semi-revolutionary podcast idea from yours truly once again. Unleashing my inner sarcastic personality in this one, minus any swearing and curse words. It’s totally better and not as dumb as that Perspectives podcast from last week (ain’t nobody got time for big black schlongs) #shotsfired (*air raid sirens*)! In this, I discuss the dumbest trends and topics and make them look even dumber than they already are. This week its all about the epidemic sweeping North America; no it’s not Ebola – its Basic White Girls (O EM GEE!). Starbucks, Zac Efron, Man Crush Monday, Kreyshawn and pointless Instagram posts! OH MY!!! Hope you enjoy, and aren’t super offended (you might but who knows, gotta save my keester somehow).

Gammin’ With Geoff – The Mad Wonder of Fury

In case you’re reading this, thank you for taking another interest in Gammin’ with Geoff. But if you’re new, welcome! Good to have you, and it’s Gammin’ pronounced ‘Jammin’ if you were confused. On this week’s addition, I’m going to be talking about the film Fury. First off, before I get too into it, wow, what a movie. It was compelling, dark, and incredibly realistic. It took the gloves off and pulled every punch it had and then some. Have a listen, check out the official movie site here.

Enjoy! Thanks for Gammin’ with Geoff!


It Takes Two Podcast: TTC Pet Peeves



The Bus You Ride To School Everyday. The Enchanted 191 Rocket

You won’t have to lower the volume on your computers or phones, my voice won’t be hitting those high notes in this podcast. I ditched the singing…just for this episode… to talk about the annoying behavior that you and I always experience when we ride the TTC. Well, in reality, any bus we ride, even the short bus. Had to plug their wicked podcast.

Listening to Clara’s podcast last week about public transit etiquette really got me fired up and inspired me to finally shed light on TTC Pet Peeves.

There’s five things I talk about that you always notice on the bus that gets on your nerves but never say or do anything about it. I am your voice of salvation! These are common things and if you don’t notice these things than you’re probably the person that causes some of it….if you are…..we…..are….going….to…have…to…have….a…little…chat……

Enjoy this week’s episode of the It Takes Two Podcast.    As always, send me some ideas for songs or topics for my next shows. You’re welcome to slide right into my DMs here and here 

The Song beds that I used were strategically picked!

Get Low – Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz (Window speech)

Somebody Just Poop – Goofy (B.O. on the bus)

Stand Up – Ludacris (Self Explanatory)

Baby – Justin Bieber (Big Ass Strollers)



Your favourite podcast done on a bus is BACK with a brand new episode! This week we talk about Halloween and all things spooky. Lots of freaky stuff happens on the bus. We eat candy. It’s a great time. Come Join Andrew, Bunsie, and Zach for the bus ride of a lifetime. Podcasting prime.

Can’t get enough of us?

Follow us on Instagram: Andrew, Bunsie, Zach

Yin and Yang – Music Focus

969 radio humber music focus cover art alt

96.9 Radio Humber Music Focus is a podcast that focuses just on two songs. The hosts, Jared Knight-Fudge and Tylor Brewster, each bring a Canadian song and the pair discuss their opinions of the music. Of course, other topics are bound to come up in conversation.

This week we have a band that makes cohesive, rollicking rock music, and a band that makes distant, foreboding electronic music. Tylor has brought in “Can’t Stop Laughing” by Nova Scotia’s The Trews, and Jared has brought in “Violent Youth” by Toronto’s Crystal Castles. In addition to the music, Tylor and Jared talk about Howie Mandel, thieves of studio equipment, and folk music on the radio.

Agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments!

Health and the College Student

A couple of days ago, I found a study released by the US Center for Disease Control that indicated that about 5.2 million college students in the US were obese. That comes to approximately 3 out of every 10 students.

Believe me, this is a struggle that I can identify with. Despite dropping nearly eighty pounds in the past year and a half, saying no to the sugar cravings is still a daily battle for me. In this week’s podcast, in addition to reflecting on my own weight loss battle, I talk about the statistics in the study noted above, as well as talk about the reasons for it, and offer solutions.

For more tips on how to stay healthy while in school, check out this Web MD article

Got any health tips or a weight loss story of your own? Hit me up on Twitter @Linda_Morgan82.

The Greatest Podcast of ALL TIME !! ……. ( maybe)

The Pilot episode of the Tylor and Gio show. We talk about pop culture stories for the week and put our own opinions…however not so mice they are. We also take the time to talk about the stupidity of people and events in our own lives and ask you, the listener to add your input and even pick the stories we talk about next week!

Be sure to listen and give us your honest feedback. We do this for fun, it is our passion but it makes it even better when we hear from you, you are the reason we do this.

Enjoy!!! – this is the video posed as an apology to Iggy by Snoop

One message can make a difference.

Okay so I’m back again with another quick little blog, but today is going to be different.

Usually I talk about stuff that I have been up to, but now, I’m focusing on what’s happening in other peoples lives.

I never would have realized that one simple little message could make a huge difference to someone else. I can understand what it’s like for someone dealing with depression because I have definitely been there before, but I never thought that sending a commenting on an anonymous post would generate a reply to my comment, that would make a difference to myself and someone else’s life.

Here’s my blog podcast to explain exactly what I’m talking about

and just remember, there’s always going to be someone there to help you through tough times.

Don’t Give Up, Stay Strong and always Stay Gold.

-Scotty Shade.

Drivers in Toronto


Hey there,

Do you drive?

Is there a bunch of things that piss you off while your on the road?



If so, join the club! I can’t stand majority of Toronto drivers and a situation happened to me the other day that really ticked me off. I was surfing the web the other night and stumbled upon this video.. couldn’t have explained this better myself! Top 5 things that piss off Toronto drivers. The driving is much similar to what happened to me..



Am I wrong to jump to conclusions and say that people who are too distracted while driving shouldn’t have their license? This needs to stop!


#TorontoDriving #MobileApps #NeedsToStop