Snooze Button


Get ready to go on an adventure. Don’t worry, you won’t even have to get up – wicked right? –

In this wicked show? movie? clip? episode? porno? (you do see me change in front of you so…) we’ll just call it a movie.

The character, Joey, is late for school. Or so he thinks. His conscience (narrator) makes fun of him and takes advantage of his lack of responsibility. Joey is in a race against time to get to school. However, there’s a surprise waiting for him when he’s about to leave the house.


My legs are on FLEEK

Follow me on twitter and instagram(more videos there): @JoeyCast93

Slide into my DM’s, you might get some more photos or videos of me changing in the bathroom 😉 Pics for pics? haha!




Think back to a few years ago. You were at home, work, a friend’s house or whenever, on a computer, choosing a college/ university to go to. So many choices in front of you, so many programs. you thought this would be a straight decision but it instead, as if you were on a curvy road, you dipped and dodged schools and programs until you found this baby.


Sent in your application, came to do the essay, spoke with Sheila, Neil, Robyn or whoever and a few weeks later, you were accepted into the family. You were as happy as a kid in a candy store, or in this case, like my nephew going into bath time.


Feel special because out of the hundreds of applicants and wannabe’s, you were the most special and talented one. out of 70 open spots, 1 had your name on it. you made it into the limited capacity.


YOU rose above the rest, during the interview process. As an announcer and newscaster, you talked your ASS OFF, during that meeting, so much so that you can call yourself a jawbreaker.


Pathways were introduced in 2nd semester. So many choices. your friends are going down one way but where did YOU want to end up? Take the wrong pathway, and you could slip, fall and break you confidence. You took a step back, looked at all your options and chose wisely.

Tetris_editYou chose a pathway that you felt, you’d fall right into place with. This picture also represents the production pathway. Producers, help create and build, put together, commercials and shows. making sure EVERY unique, speical and sepereate piece sticks and fits together to keep the game running smoothly. Like Tetris.


You’ve put heart and soul into everything you’ve done so far for this program. Constantly working hard. Like a constuction worker. when we started, that building was just getting built. Just like you were. Our profs are the ones who mold us, give us a strong foundation, insulate us with knowledge. Even with distrations around us, you stayed focused. Now, that building outside is almost complete. Just like you will be in April.

It takes time to build a strong, steady and long lasting structure.


uncomfortable. not knowing what to expect. fear. the thing we all felt when we sat in front of a live mic for the first time.

My sister is going to kill me for using this picture but still.

Station_home_editBut you know what. that helped us build confidence. Now, the station is your home. a place where you’re secure, confortable and can relax.


in the begiining this was like readeing chinese or playing twister for the 1st time.  moving all over the place, getting tangled up. now, it’s second nature. BUT even though we’re off, the pressue is always on.

Relationships_editin the past 2 years, we’ve made amazing friendships and some of us have made fantastic relationships. Even between the 01s and 02s, we’ve mixed with one another and become one. 01s are still the best, but i digress.


the ultimate goal is still the same as it was since day 1. make it….in radio.






Everybodys got a Story: Todd Shapiro

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sit down and Todd-Shapiro-Show1-614x307interview one of Sirius XMs finest and of course hard working radio personalities…Todd Shapiro.

Todd and I had a quick talk while I was working on the Humble and Fred show, and asked him if I could interview him, for a segment I like to call: Everybodys got a Story.

Todd agreed to the interview, but only if we could conduct the interview…Live on his on Sirius XM radio show. How awesome is that? I was super excited, and in was, for a fact, a huge opportunity for me, that I could not say no to.

So, I hope you enjoy my quick but insightful interview with Todd Shapiro on Everybodys got a Story.

Box Office Blunders: BLOGcast


This time YOU get to fill my shoes.

This week, I thought of tweeking my podcast just a bit. It could be because I’m feeling jolly thanks to christmas being less than a month away. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!

My podcast this week has turned into a BLOGcast, not because I’m lazy but because I want to let you feel what it is to have the POWER!…..but mostly it’s because I’m lazy….KIDDING!

What power am I talking about? the power for you to TRASH ME on MY all time favourite movies. I usually trash movies that don’t live up to their hype. This week, I thought it’d be nice for you to see what movies catch my interest so you can see what I love watching and for YOU to get to review my interests. Be RUTHLESS! DON’T hold back! if you hate my movies, let me know! if you love em, let me know! I don’t hold back at all! I don’t expect you to either!

Without further adew, Here are my top 5 favourite movies of ALL-TIME:

1. 40 Year Old Virgin


 The 40-year old virgin will always be my all-time favourite movie. The first time I watched it, when I was like 13 (hey, don’t judge!) I died of laughter. From chest waxing to a big o’l box of porn, every scene in that movie was hilarious. I loved it so much that I watched it probably over 20 times and by the end of it all, I knew all the words to the movie. Mooj was my favourite character

2. A Bronx Tale


This is one of the two movies that I own on VHS. I am a big fan of Mafia/ Italian Mobster movies. A Bronx Tale ranks at number one for me. Ahead of Goodfellas and ahead of The Godfather. Fuhgetabout it! One of the reasons why I love this movie is because of the connection you make with each character. Each character represents a different dimension of me. You’ve got your funny Joe, Serious Joe, deep Joe, crazy Joe, etc. This movie also has tons of memorable and thought provoking quotes. Call me corny but there are a few of them that I even live by. One of those is the door test. Oh baby does this ever work!

3. Forrest Gump


Forrest Gump’s acting was phenomenal and the plot was great. It’s an entertaining movie, and just like A Bronx Tale, this movie had memorable quotes, scenes and characters! Bubba-Gump Shrimp, Lieutenant Dan, Run Forrest run!) Awesome.

4. Silver Linings Playbook


 Okay, I’ll be honest here. I’m a sucker for romance movies. I’m not afraid to admit it! They’re actually really good, man! Once I seen it, I fell in love. The ending was spectacular. It brought the whole movie together and just made you say “AWWW!!” I MIGHT have shedded a tear….maybe….possibly…okay, did BUT how could you not cry after this?!

5. Borat


VER NEZ! SEXY TIMEZ! need I say more?

There you go, your honour! My top 5 favourite movies of all time! I backed up my choices with good reasoning (I hope). Now it’s all left to you! rip me into shreds or applaud my interesting movie choices.

Send me your reviews @JoeyCast93

If you need help on how to rip me a new A**hole, listen to these! Here & Here

Just don’t let the power go to your head!

The Short Bus Podcast

We meet a guy. We hate him now. He’s a lot to take in. This is the “Roulette Episode” find out why. Join Andrew, Bunsie, and Zach on the bus ride of a lifetime. Podcasting Prime.




Or subscribe on iTunes: …

You Have A Horrible Name!


HMNIIt’s time for a name change.

Why could the label that your parents put on you be so bad? There’s only one reason why your name could be so important this time of year…CHRISTMAS!


He’s making a list and checking it twice, and he’s going to find out who’s naughty or nice…

– actually he already has –

Santa has already made a list of the top 3 Naughty names of 2014 and yours might be on it! So if you really wanted that xbox 1, ps4 or new car…you’re going to have to email the big fat man with the white long beard yourself. Hey, I can talk bad about him, I’M ON THE LIST!

Without further adew, here are the Top 3 naughtiest names of 2014:

3. Will & Olivia

2. Cameron & Bethany

1. Joey & Ella

Is your Ex’s name up there? Is YOUR name up there? if so, join the club! and to make things even worse, mine is number one! Like c’mon Santa, cut me some slack! I only swore like no more than 2,000 times this year and I only lied like 8 times…okay thats a lie, it was like 20 times…BUT STILL! I deserve that ps4! I almost gave that homeless person $1 but then I remebered I was hungry so I bought chips, it’s the thought that counts right?!

Meh you know what, I’m not going to beg. I’ll be happy with my lump of coal. My heater is broken anyways so I need something to warm my house.

But for you! if your name is on this list, how are you going to prove to this fat guy – who can barely fit in chimneys and tight red pants – that you’re nice? Luckily for you, you’re motivated and don’t give up easily like I just did. You have 1 month to show you’re worthy to be switched over. My advice, buy a lot of milk and cookies.

But, my advice on staying on the naughty list? Don’t change your name, buy Santa veggies, a treadmill and a scale and you’ll be just fine!

Let me know what your ideas are for getting on the nice list -> @JoeyCast93

In the meantime, I’ll be enjoying my lump of coal and eating like a King on Christmas.


 Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Chris Caputo’s Top 5 EDM Tracks – Week of Nov 10th 2014

Chris Caputo gives you 5 brand new EDM tracks that you NEED to listen to on repeat non-stop. Fresh newly squeezed picks from the Canadian Pete Tong himself for you to enjoy and get up and dance to. Hope you enjoy, would love to hear some feedback from you (especially on my dance moves which you see plenty of in the video! :D)



Knife Party’s ‘Abandon Ship’ in full:…
Buy all the tracks mentioned on the Top 5 on Beatport:…………

  • Category



The Short Bus is back with something very special. The Short Bus After Hours! A vlog where you can see what we do when we’re not doing the podcast. With a very special guest too! Come join Andrew, Bunsie, and Zach on the not bus ride of a lifetime. Vlogcasting Prime. Check out episodes of The Short Bus here.

Journey To Manhood


Pepe Le Pew still has better game than my cousin Cris.

My video blog follows my cousin Cris on his journey to………holla at a girl.

If you have trouble getting girls, DON’T take tips from my cousin Cris. Watch his journey of getting a number….I mean “trying” to get a number. See how he does! Trust me, after watching it, you’ll have the confidence to ask that girl you admire, out. There’s no way you’re as bad as my cousin Cris.


If you think you can do better than Cris, give it a shot! Go to Vaughn Mills and make the same stops! DM me your results here.

And if you do plan on going, find closer parking spots.



Your favourite podcast done on a bus is BACK with a brand new episode! This week we talk about Halloween and all things spooky. Lots of freaky stuff happens on the bus. We eat candy. It’s a great time. Come Join Andrew, Bunsie, and Zach for the bus ride of a lifetime. Podcasting prime.

Can’t get enough of us?

Follow us on Instagram: Andrew, Bunsie, Zach

Perspectives – By Clara Falcone and George Tsilfidis

radio humber life


“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”
“You can’t really understand another person’s experience until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes”

Those are just some of the cliches surrounding the idea of perspective…

Have you ever wondered what the other sex thinks?

Wonder what you have in common with someone who grew up completely different than you?

Perspectives is a podcast that was inspired by that thinking of trying to find out how you relate to someone opposite of you.

All these questions and more get answered in our podcast, but first a quick funny video that showcases how two people of the opposite sex, see the same situation completely different.

Our podcast is similar to that video…


Stay tuned to Radio Humber Life every Thursday for weekly installments of Perspectives with Clara Falcone and George Tsilfidis!

Take Care

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MTM – a.k.a MOVIES, TV and MUSIC

Amanda Santos here with your MTM update. I will let you in on some Rob Zombie news, a little Walking dead. We say goodbye to the chelsea handler show and complain a little bit about U2 – the wonderful band…. (note the sarcasm)



How do you guys feel about the whole U2 thing?… Do you think it helped with their sales?…. Was it worth it?…… you tell me!



The great minds behind The Short Bus Podcast return. They didn’t die, but they did take a month and a half off. Andy, Bunsie, and Zach (Andrew Berridge, David Bunsie, Zachary Bourdages) try to shake off the rust and get back in the swing of things. They don’t do well. They talk about nothing for 20-40 minutes. It’s hit or miss. The length of the bus ride determines everything. Bunsie had a bad day. They got an interview though. It’s been forever since they got an interview. Sorry it isn’t on Soundcloud. I’ve exhausted all my Soundcloud time on 3 different accounts. So I did it the way I know how. I used iTunes and Stitcher. Listen right here for the Stitcher version, or click THIS BOLD WRITING for the link. It’s Episode 10.



So yeah, have a listen to EPISODE 10. (Note: Stitcher and iTunes have to update this stuff, so please wait while it loads EPISODE 10 and not one of the other episodes. Once again, sorry about not having Soundcloud, and please only listen to EPISODE 10)

Getting what you want

Hi, it’s Andy. Just a reminder, you STILL can’t plagiarize this.

Buying stuff online and getting it shipped to you when you want it is next to impossible. Unless you want to spend another $60 on same-day shipping. I just spent $700 on a GoPro, a handle for it, and an SD card. That’s a memory card in case you have no clue what technology is. I bought it half out of impulse, half out of I’ve always wanted one, half out of I need it for something, and half out of reason to continue saying “half out of.” But I had an interview set up this week (October 10th) (Friday) and I bought it (October 5th) (Sunday). Businesses don’t ship stuff on Sundays and that’s obvious, but my order was put in line for the Monday rush of getting orders placed. I’ve worked in the shipping/customer service department before. I know how this stuff works. But I waited all day Monday just to find my order had not been processed. I crawled the website to find they said all my items were in stock and “Usually ship within 24 hours.” They lied. No biggie. It happens. I was buying something brand new (just released) and in demand. But I wanted it by Thursday (October 9th). Yeah, dream on me from a few days ago. 


Here’s the way to get that thing you want. Inquire about it. Multiple ways. Currently GoPro and FedEx are saying my package will arrive at my house on Thursday October 9th. The day I wanted it to. How is this sorcery happening? I asked for it. I sent the GoPro customer service an email asking if they could work their GoPro magic and be my hero by getting it to me by then. I also called (Long-distance) and inquired when it’ll be shipped. They told me to wait a few hours, they’ll find the order and get it out. They did. It left the warehouse in California, went to Oakland’s FedEx (To be flown to Canada), landed in Tennessee around 4:30-ish, and managed its way to Mississauga (Pearson) by 7:30. GoPro usually estimates deliveries to the East Coast to take 5 days. The only reason this is happening, is because I asked for it. I gave a few good arguments (I paid $700, send me my damn stuff) and they listened. A year ago I broke my volume button on my iPhone, the warranty was up, apple store told me to pay $200 to fix it, I emailed the CEO of apple, the email was sent down the chain of command, I got a phone call, I got a free iPhone. The only way to get what you want, is to ask for it. Make sure what you want is known, and you’re already halfway to getting it. GoPro, you done good. Keeping customers happy is crucial, so exploit it to get what you want. It will arguably make you a bad person, but being selfish isn’t always bad. Just be polite about it, being a dick gets you no-where.

To Hoot, or Not to Hoot

Recently I had my first experience at Hooters all you can eat wing night…..

The concept of Hooters is actually magnificent. It is truly the mecca when it comes to attractive waitresses and good wings (their wings are good, don’t say otherwise). I was sitting there absolutely tearing through hot wings like nobody’s business when I realized that I was a pig. A complete pig. I don’t really care, but hear me out.

I’m getting all you can eat wings…..that should be illegal. I think I received 12 wings on my first plate and to help visualize and make this easier, ill say they were six legs, and six wings. Also known as, three chickens. It took three whole chickens just to serve me this entire plate of saucy goodness. On top of that, I’m also with five other dudes who also have three chickens on their plate. We are now at 15 chickens just at our table. Multiply that by the amount of other people eating wings and I’m pretty sure we are sitting around 500 chickens. That is an obscene number. It made me feel a little ill. Luckily I had more chicken wings coming or I would have been super depressed.


Second reason I’m a bit of a pig. Hooter’s waitresses are amazing. That is just a great thing they have going for them. Pretty much all of them are 10 out of 10. Their job applications must be funny.

-smart serve certified

-3-4 years experience serving

-10 out of 10, easily was the hottest girl back in highschool.

-great personality

I hope that isn’t offensive in any way, because the thing is, they are just great. I’m very serious about the personality part too. Super nice, intelligent. It’s like they are in a pageant and I am the judge. I just couldn’t be more impressed at this point. Very easy on the eyes as well, needless to say

That’s pretty much it though, I might just become a regular.



Movie Monday

Hi, it’s Andy. Just a reminder, you can’t plagiarize this. It’s mine.

Movies. Yeah, it’s fun to go to them on the weekend. Tuesday is pretty cool too, especially because it’s half off. But I got to experience something I’ve never done before. Movies on a Sunday are pretty dead. But movies on a Monday? It’s a ghost town. Sure, you’re paying normal price. But you get the luxury of not waiting in any lines, peeing in an empty public bathroom, and playing any arcade game without some punk-ass kid bumping into you and ruining your Dance-Dance Revolution score. Guess who just hit #1 on the leaderboard? The guy who went to the movies on Monday. You also get to pick any seat you want — except for the dark corners where couples make out, because that weird couple is still strangely there.

You might be wondering what movie I went to see. I went and saw The Equalizer. I’m about to spoil it. Not really, but I will give away key plot points that bothered me. This movie was really average. Denzel Washington was good, he’s Denzel, what more could you expect? It’s a movie you’d watch on a Sunday because you had nothing better to do and someone said it was good. If you’ve seen 2 Guns, with Denzel and Mark Whalberg, you’d understand that movie was pretty good. I thought the ending to 2 Guns sucked. That movie progressively got dumber and dumber. The Equalizer started dumb and ended better. Denzel Washington killed the entire Russian Mob on the east coast of the USA and even some in Russia all because a guy beat a prostitute. The Russians all had really unnecessary stupid tattoos (I have tattoos, don’t hate). The whole movie could’ve been avoided if Denzel Washington didn’t decide un-retire from some CIA program apparently he was a part of. The movie tried to hint at Denzel’s past a few times, but all it did was make you ask “Who the hell are these people?”

It was a good movie experience. Sure, I didn’t save any money, but I skipped lines, danced my arcade-loving heart out, and saw a decent movie with some pals. I highly recommend it. I had a ton of homework to do, but I still went. Live your life while you can.

Get movie times here, to plan your next Monday movie night.


Ice Cream, Complicated.

Hi, I am Andrew Berridge. You can call me Andy, Pre-K, Andrew, or whatever else floats your boat. I am very well versed in the world of critical thinking. I dissect everything and anything and create conclusions based on the investigative research I put into the topic at hand. I posted a selfie so you can look at me. I’m marvellous. I often have comma splices in my work and break standard writing conventions, but I write pretty well. I doubt you’ll find me any less interesting than two puppies playing in a cloud of rainbows. Imagine that. Wild.  Below my selfie is the greatest example of critical thinking you’ll find today. Don’t bother trying to save it because it’s mine and you’ll be plagiarizing. Hashtag copyright infringement.


(This is the beautiful selfie I mentioned earlier. Feel free to save this as your desktop wallpaper)

Ice cream can be eaten from a cup or a cone. Is that just it? It can also make a big mess if you’re not careful. Do you like having melting ice cream all over your hands? Obviously not. Or do you try to wipe it up with a napkin? If you do, you’ve probably noticed the napkin gets soggy and fuses itself into your cone. Or do you even use a cone? Ice Cream in a cup or a bowl changes everything. Do you call it a cup or a bowl? If you put it in a cup and it melts, all you’re left with is a warm, overly-sweet soup of whatever greatness you couldn’t eat fast enough. Another issue if you use a cup (or bowl or whatever round holding device you like using instead of a cone) is you have to eat it with both hands. You have to hold the cup (Yes, I’m settling on cup for what the holding apparatus is called) and you have to hold the spoon. Using two hands to eat ice cream doesn’t allow you to multitask. How are you supposed to take a selfie if your hands are full? If you eat ice cream from a cone, it’s a one-handed affair. Selfies galore. But you have to lick and half make-out with the ice cream if it’s in a cone. Yet using a cup you can devour it via massive spoonfuls. Each way of eating ice cream has benefits, but they also have their downsides.

Then there’s the controversial milkshake. It’s almost the best of both worlds, but not quite. You can enjoy your ice cream with the convenience of a one-handed cone-like experience and it also won’t melt all over your hands. You don’t have to worry about napkins, unless you decide to pour it all over the place. It’s already somewhat melted, so you won’t have a soupy mess at the end of your beautiful frozen treat. However, the problem with the milkshake is it’s just not the same. The texture and consistency is too different. An advantage to a cones is it gives you a snack to go with the ice cream. Waffle cones give you an even better snack. Waffle cones also handle melting ice cream better. The napkin getting soggy then fusing to the cone is still an issue, but not as bad. However, waffle cone bowls are also a thing. Waffle cone bowls might be even closer than milkshakes to being the best of both worlds. Actually, it is the best of both worlds. It’s a good sturdy bowl that handles melting decently and you can eat the bowl when the ice cream is gone. Your mission is now to find an ice cream place that sells waffle cone bowls, and get a waffle cone bowl. Especially if you find it difficult to choose between cone, cup, or milkshake.

Here’s the catch. Going to an ice cream shop ain’t cheap. Yeah, that ultra premium pumpkin spice ice cream in a waffle cone bowl will definitely be pricey. You can’t afford that seven days a week. Here’s what you do. You head to your local grocery store and go to the frozen aisle. You pick up the four-litre bucket of selection neapolitan ice milk. Yeah, ice milk. Not cream. Milk. Not only do you get a lot, you get it pretty cheap. Plus, four-litres will last you a while. Why ice milk instead of ice cream? Because ice milk is substantially lower in fat. You want ice cream seven days a week? This is your answer. Neapolitan answers your taste-bud issues of wanting to mix up vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, four litres saves you from making trips to get ice cream all the time, and ice milk will solve any weight issues. As long as you understand there’s still a lot of sugar and calories. But who eats ice cream to be healthy? Wait a minute, what about the waffle cone bowl? Forget about that. Grab a big spoon and dive into that bucket sweet-tooth first. We’re talking affordability now, this is the real world. But don’t forget to treat yourself sometimes. Happy ice cream eating.

New invention: The ice cream taco

Make the biggest waffle possible in your waffle iron, let it cool a little bit, fold it in half, shove ice cream in the middle, top it with chocolate syrup, crushed Kit-Kats, or whatever you like putting on ice cream, and boom — ice cream taco. Watch out Ice Cream sandwich.

Once a week I’ll be here to guide you into the twilight zone of blowing your mind.