A Story of Panic

This is me at about 8:15 this morning.

Of course I had seen better days, but considering I had an assignment due in a little under two hours, time was not my friend. I had to tell a story. I had to tell a story with images and video and a certain amount of narration. Shouldn’t have been too hard, right? I mean, telling stories is right up my alley. Didn’t stop me from putting it off until the last minute now did it? Well, here I am now, and I’ve still got a story to tell. So what should I say?

Should I talk about my most recent love?

Or is that too dramatic for my classmates to take in? If only I had a clue about what to say.

Luckily, I consider myself a smart guy. Maybe I’ll think of something to show the class before I have to sell my possessions, move to Thailand and live on a beach with a radioactive monkey for the rest of my life. Fingers crossed!
Fingers Crossed

Snooze Button


Get ready to go on an adventure. Don’t worry, you won’t even have to get up – wicked right? –

In this wicked show? movie? clip? episode? porno? (you do see me change in front of you so…) we’ll just call it a movie.

The character, Joey, is late for school. Or so he thinks. His conscience (narrator) makes fun of him and takes advantage of his lack of responsibility. Joey is in a race against time to get to school. However, there’s a surprise waiting for him when he’s about to leave the house.


My legs are on FLEEK

Follow me on twitter and instagram(more videos there): @JoeyCast93

Slide into my DM’s, you might get some more photos or videos of me changing in the bathroom 😉 Pics for pics? haha!




Think back to a few years ago. You were at home, work, a friend’s house or whenever, on a computer, choosing a college/ university to go to. So many choices in front of you, so many programs. you thought this would be a straight decision but it instead, as if you were on a curvy road, you dipped and dodged schools and programs until you found this baby.


Sent in your application, came to do the essay, spoke with Sheila, Neil, Robyn or whoever and a few weeks later, you were accepted into the family. You were as happy as a kid in a candy store, or in this case, like my nephew going into bath time.


Feel special because out of the hundreds of applicants and wannabe’s, you were the most special and talented one. out of 70 open spots, 1 had your name on it. you made it into the limited capacity.


YOU rose above the rest, during the interview process. As an announcer and newscaster, you talked your ASS OFF, during that meeting, so much so that you can call yourself a jawbreaker.


Pathways were introduced in 2nd semester. So many choices. your friends are going down one way but where did YOU want to end up? Take the wrong pathway, and you could slip, fall and break you confidence. You took a step back, looked at all your options and chose wisely.

Tetris_editYou chose a pathway that you felt, you’d fall right into place with. This picture also represents the production pathway. Producers, help create and build, put together, commercials and shows. making sure EVERY unique, speical and sepereate piece sticks and fits together to keep the game running smoothly. Like Tetris.


You’ve put heart and soul into everything you’ve done so far for this program. Constantly working hard. Like a constuction worker. when we started, that building was just getting built. Just like you were. Our profs are the ones who mold us, give us a strong foundation, insulate us with knowledge. Even with distrations around us, you stayed focused. Now, that building outside is almost complete. Just like you will be in April.

It takes time to build a strong, steady and long lasting structure.


uncomfortable. not knowing what to expect. fear. the thing we all felt when we sat in front of a live mic for the first time.

My sister is going to kill me for using this picture but still.

Station_home_editBut you know what. that helped us build confidence. Now, the station is your home. a place where you’re secure, confortable and can relax.


in the begiining this was like readeing chinese or playing twister for the 1st time.  moving all over the place, getting tangled up. now, it’s second nature. BUT even though we’re off, the pressue is always on.

Relationships_editin the past 2 years, we’ve made amazing friendships and some of us have made fantastic relationships. Even between the 01s and 02s, we’ve mixed with one another and become one. 01s are still the best, but i digress.


the ultimate goal is still the same as it was since day 1. make it….in radio.






Everybodys got a Story: Todd Shapiro

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sit down and Todd-Shapiro-Show1-614x307interview one of Sirius XMs finest and of course hard working radio personalities…Todd Shapiro.

Todd and I had a quick talk while I was working on the Humble and Fred show, and asked him if I could interview him, for a segment I like to call: Everybodys got a Story.

Todd agreed to the interview, but only if we could conduct the interview…Live on his on Sirius XM radio show. How awesome is that? I was super excited, and in was, for a fact, a huge opportunity for me, that I could not say no to.

So, I hope you enjoy my quick but insightful interview with Todd Shapiro on Everybodys got a Story.

Mancave – V-Log on how to fail an exam in 3 easy steps.

Man CaveHello Mancavers,
We are less than 48 hours away from the end of school and I just completed my last exam. And by completed, I mean failed my ass off.

How you ask?

With three simple steps.


Let me know if you yourself are also an expert at this three step plan.

Hit me up on Twitter right here!


Evan McCarroll is a long-time friend of mine. We went to high school together, we got kicked out of high school together, we got in trouble together, we triumphed together and we began college together. He has been a large part of my life for many years. When Evan told me his secret, I was hurt at first that he didn’t feel safe enough to have told me sooner. After some time and thought, I realized how selfish that emotion was of me. How could I be mad, when he had been trying to live with such a big secret for so long.

This is Evan’s story…..


Box Office Blunders: BLOGcast


This time YOU get to fill my shoes.

This week, I thought of tweeking my podcast just a bit. It could be because I’m feeling jolly thanks to christmas being less than a month away. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!

My podcast this week has turned into a BLOGcast, not because I’m lazy but because I want to let you feel what it is to have the POWER!…..but mostly it’s because I’m lazy….KIDDING!

What power am I talking about? the power for you to TRASH ME on MY all time favourite movies. I usually trash movies that don’t live up to their hype. This week, I thought it’d be nice for you to see what movies catch my interest so you can see what I love watching and for YOU to get to review my interests. Be RUTHLESS! DON’T hold back! if you hate my movies, let me know! if you love em, let me know! I don’t hold back at all! I don’t expect you to either!

Without further adew, Here are my top 5 favourite movies of ALL-TIME:

1. 40 Year Old Virgin


 The 40-year old virgin will always be my all-time favourite movie. The first time I watched it, when I was like 13 (hey, don’t judge!) I died of laughter. From chest waxing to a big o’l box of porn, every scene in that movie was hilarious. I loved it so much that I watched it probably over 20 times and by the end of it all, I knew all the words to the movie. Mooj was my favourite character

2. A Bronx Tale


This is one of the two movies that I own on VHS. I am a big fan of Mafia/ Italian Mobster movies. A Bronx Tale ranks at number one for me. Ahead of Goodfellas and ahead of The Godfather. Fuhgetabout it! One of the reasons why I love this movie is because of the connection you make with each character. Each character represents a different dimension of me. You’ve got your funny Joe, Serious Joe, deep Joe, crazy Joe, etc. This movie also has tons of memorable and thought provoking quotes. Call me corny but there are a few of them that I even live by. One of those is the door test. Oh baby does this ever work!

3. Forrest Gump


Forrest Gump’s acting was phenomenal and the plot was great. It’s an entertaining movie, and just like A Bronx Tale, this movie had memorable quotes, scenes and characters! Bubba-Gump Shrimp, Lieutenant Dan, Run Forrest run!) Awesome.

4. Silver Linings Playbook


 Okay, I’ll be honest here. I’m a sucker for romance movies. I’m not afraid to admit it! They’re actually really good, man! Once I seen it, I fell in love. The ending was spectacular. It brought the whole movie together and just made you say “AWWW!!” I MIGHT have shedded a tear….maybe….possibly…okay, did BUT how could you not cry after this?!

5. Borat


VER NEZ! SEXY TIMEZ! need I say more?

There you go, your honour! My top 5 favourite movies of all time! I backed up my choices with good reasoning (I hope). Now it’s all left to you! rip me into shreds or applaud my interesting movie choices.

Send me your reviews @JoeyCast93

If you need help on how to rip me a new A**hole, listen to these! Here & Here

Just don’t let the power go to your head!

Jammin’ With Geoff: The Subject of Sequels

Welcome to another addition of Jammin’ With Geoff! This weeks discussion is a simple one. Namely, when are sequels okay and when are they like taking a cheese grater to your forehead? With these questions in mind, I take a look at the release of a brand new sequel by the name of Dumb and Dumber To.

Here you go:


Jammin’ With Geoff: The Brand

My brand, simply put, is film commentary. Movies will be the main subject every week and with each week, a different topic will be centered around it. Previous topics included my passion for film, my five favourite war films in honour of Remembrance Day, and what movies to be excited for in 2014. The reason behind my doing this is simply because I love movies and believe that everyone can relate to enjoying a good movie, being inspired, delighted, terrified and moved by a movie and because they take us away when we want to get away. It’s a universal theme. My sub-group I’m aiming for is film aficionados in the 18-44 bracket.


What happened that fateful knight?



This week on Behind the Mic. Scotty Shade reveals what happened that fateful Knight, when a fellow classmate; Jared Knight Fudge decided to leave his career in the radio business, and disappeared without a trace.

Scotty Shade gets up close and personal, with the story of JKF and talks to his fellow classmates and Radio Humber Broadcasters, to get their reaction and thoughts on finding out, why and what happened to Jared. It’s a story unlike any, anyone has ever heard of before. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll even question; “What’s really going on here” and to answer that question…I have no clue. Behind the Mic – The Jared Knight Fudge Story.

Radio Humber, and students of the Radio Broadcasting Class want to thank Jared for the time he spent with the class and the work he has done on Radio Humber. So long Jared and Good Luck =)



Quin and Amanda Santos present: CRAZY NEWS. We tell you about the most absurd and ridiculous stories that we can find and yes they are all real.

So many crazies out there, so little time to talk about them all.

We pick our favourite most outrageous weird news and then give you OUR take on them.






$pooktacular Co$tume Tip$


She obviously gets her good looks from me.

You can look like a million bucks by only spending 20.

Halloween is crazy expensive, heck for a costume alone, you’re down 60 bucks and thats without the make up and wig. (You’re lucky as hell if your costume comes with one.) Costume shops forget that you’re a college student and you can barely afford to buy food for the week let alone a costume for one day.

I’m hear to change that.

Last year, my sister (above) had tons of people comment on how wicked her costume was and their first question was, “How expensive was that?” Her response, “it costed me two big mac combos, 20 bucks” My sister is not a make up artist, not even close to one, she can barely paint her own nails BUT she is creative and mad cheap. That deadly combo created one, budget friendly and epic Halloween costume. You’re in luck because I’ll tell you what she used and where she bought it so you can create your own budget friendly

IMG_4765[1]costume for this year.

6 Things she used:

1. Liquid Latex -> $7.00 at Party Market in Woodbridge

2. Fake Blood (2) ->$2.00 at Dollarama

3. White Shirt-> $2.00 at Value Village

4. Jeans-> $7.00 at Value Village

5. Red Hair Dye-> $1.25 at Dollarama

6. White Paint-> $1.00 at Dollarama

Grand Total: $20.25



Quick point-> My sister used a lot of her own make up like mascara and eyeliner for the shading and colouring around her eyes so that saved her money as well.

If you have any of the 6 things she used at home, use it! Makes your life easier and your bank account happier!

Once you have all the ingredients to make this epic costume, get to work on your face and costume. My sister just used scissors and cut up her white shirt then she splattered a tube of fake blood all over her shirt. It was a DIFFERENT kind of wet t-shirt contest. Jason OR Freddy Krueger would have probably had an extra knife in their pocket when they seen that 😉

Like I said earlier, my sister isn’t a make up artist, she used this video tutorial as an outline to help her create her face but then she spun it her own way. Here you go, enjoy!

To show off your makeover, there’s three Halloween events happening at Linx this week.

#ThoughtsOfCaputo Episode 1 – Basic White Girls

Another new semi-revolutionary podcast idea from yours truly once again. Unleashing my inner sarcastic personality in this one, minus any swearing and curse words. It’s totally better and not as dumb as that Perspectives podcast from last week (ain’t nobody got time for big black schlongs) #shotsfired (*air raid sirens*)! In this, I discuss the dumbest trends and topics and make them look even dumber than they already are. This week its all about the epidemic sweeping North America; no it’s not Ebola – its Basic White Girls (O EM GEE!). Starbucks, Zac Efron, Man Crush Monday, Kreyshawn and pointless Instagram posts! OH MY!!! Hope you enjoy, and aren’t super offended (you might but who knows, gotta save my keester somehow).


It Takes Two Podcast: TTC Pet Peeves



The Bus You Ride To School Everyday. The Enchanted 191 Rocket

You won’t have to lower the volume on your computers or phones, my voice won’t be hitting those high notes in this podcast. I ditched the singing…just for this episode… to talk about the annoying behavior that you and I always experience when we ride the TTC. Well, in reality, any bus we ride, even the short bus. Had to plug their wicked podcast.

Listening to Clara’s podcast last week about public transit etiquette really got me fired up and inspired me to finally shed light on TTC Pet Peeves.

There’s five things I talk about that you always notice on the bus that gets on your nerves but never say or do anything about it. I am your voice of salvation! These are common things and if you don’t notice these things than you’re probably the person that causes some of it….if you are…..we…..are….going….to…have…to…have….a…little…chat……

Enjoy this week’s episode of the It Takes Two Podcast.    As always, send me some ideas for songs or topics for my next shows. You’re welcome to slide right into my DMs here and here 

The Song beds that I used were strategically picked!

Get Low – Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz (Window speech)

Somebody Just Poop – Goofy (B.O. on the bus)

Stand Up – Ludacris (Self Explanatory)

Baby – Justin Bieber (Big Ass Strollers)

Yin and Yang – Music Focus

969 radio humber music focus cover art alt

96.9 Radio Humber Music Focus is a podcast that focuses just on two songs. The hosts, Jared Knight-Fudge and Tylor Brewster, each bring a Canadian song and the pair discuss their opinions of the music. Of course, other topics are bound to come up in conversation.

This week we have a band that makes cohesive, rollicking rock music, and a band that makes distant, foreboding electronic music. Tylor has brought in “Can’t Stop Laughing” by Nova Scotia’s The Trews, and Jared has brought in “Violent Youth” by Toronto’s Crystal Castles. In addition to the music, Tylor and Jared talk about Howie Mandel, thieves of studio equipment, and folk music on the radio.

Agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments!

One message can make a difference.

Okay so I’m back again with another quick little blog, but today is going to be different.

Usually I talk about stuff that I have been up to, but now, I’m focusing on what’s happening in other peoples lives.

I never would have realized that one simple little message could make a huge difference to someone else. I can understand what it’s like for someone dealing with depression because I have definitely been there before, but I never thought that sending a commenting on an anonymous post would generate a reply to my comment, that would make a difference to myself and someone else’s life.

Here’s my blog podcast to explain exactly what I’m talking about


and just remember, there’s always going to be someone there to help you through tough times.

Don’t Give Up, Stay Strong and always Stay Gold.

-Scotty Shade.


MTM – a.k.a MOVIES, TV and MUSIC

Amanda Santos here with your MTM update. I will let you in on some Rob Zombie news, a little Walking dead. We say goodbye to the chelsea handler show and complain a little bit about U2 – the wonderful band…. (note the sarcasm)




How do you guys feel about the whole U2 thing?… Do you think it helped with their sales?…. Was it worth it?…… you tell me!


Parking Wars



Picture must have been taken on the weekend.


What’s the one thing about Humber that seems to get worse the longer you’re here? No, not the line at timmies, it’s the other line. The one outside….in the parking lot. Those early morning classes are brutal as it is but why should playing hide and seek with parking spots have to add onto our stress? I’m not bashing our school at all, I’m just shedding some light on a problem that never seems to be fixed.


At the start of September, parking passes were over booked! Humber College or Humber Airways? You don’t want to wake up earlier in order to actually get a spot, that’s madness! You don’t want to park over at Woodbine and take a school bus even though it has heat and a radio! so epic. You brought your car to not have to take any sort of bus in the first place! You just want to come to school, find a parking spot WITHOUT PROBLEMS and get to your class, buy a booster juice or check out some booty at the gym.

I wanted to provide some comic relief for students with my podcast. It’s a parody song to Daft Punk’s – Get Lucky. I call this masterpeice, “Up All Night To Find Parking.”


My voice is almost identical to Pharrell’s. Enjoy!

Let me know what other spoofs you’d like me to do, just slide into my DM’s  here  or here


So…as I left off in my last blog post…I mentioned that I had an interviewing coming up for an internship on the Humble and Fred show. Well, last friday morning, I drove down to the studio and when I arrived, I didn’t realized I was going to be interviewed until after the show had finished, hmm, so I got to enjoy another live show, of Humble and Fred, and I also got to meet their special guest, Faisal Butt, who was the winner of the Sirius XM top comic.

Anyway..after the show wrapped, the producer and I sat down and had a nice little chat about what I’m learning in school, and how’s everybody at Humber(everybody’s great, obviously) and we started talking about what I would be learning working at the show…

HFlogoSMSo in all basically-tiveness…I am now the new intern at Humble and Fred. I will be working in the studio mondays and friday with Humble and Fred themselves and the producers, this is an amazing opportunity for me and I couldn’t be happier, and I am really excited to start working and get some great experience working for the show.

Now although I’m happy about the internship, I don’t know what it is, but lately i’ve been feeling kind of down and stressed and gloomy. For some reason, I have been so tired and un-energetic, maybe it’s cause I was really stressing over the huge seminar assignment we had to do, everyone being sick, the weather, among other things. It really sucks too, because I want to go to school and learn a lot about the business I’m apart of, but on the other hand, I just wanna stay in bed all day and not be bothered by anything.

Hopefully I’ll start feeling better soon, being sick sucks.


Gammin’ with Geoff

Blog by Geoffrey Mendelssohn

So one of the hardest times of the school year is upon us. I’ve seen this season mess with my friends to the point they’re injecting coffee into their veins and pulling their hair out until they could pass for Dr. Evil. I hate to see this happen to my friends, so I’m offering up these little tidbits of advice that have gotten me through some dark times. With any luck, they’ll work for you as well as if not better than they have with me. Enjoy!

Hey, it’s me again.

Oh man, so I guess you’re back to hear some more stuff about me…why? I’m not that interesting…well yeah I guess I am.

Well I guess i’ll start by talking about whats been going on these pasts few weeks. As I mentioned in my last blog, I have started my second year of my Radio Broadcasting course, and that I recently started doing on air shifts. Well besides that, I have been running around all of Toronto getting interviews from On Air Personal and Program Director for my seminar assignment, on the topic of AM Radio.

logoFirst, I head down to the NewsTalk 1010 station Downtown to interview John Moore from the Moore in the Morning Show. I also got to sit in on the last hour of his morning show, and ran into Brett Dalton from Agents of Shield without even knowing it was him (“he’s famous?”). John Moore is a super nice guy to meet and hang out with, and he has an amazing radio voice, plus he give me some really good insight for AM Radio.

Later on I visited Humble and Fred at their own Sirius XM Station to interview them about AM Radio, except with a little twist…They wanted me to interview them…live on their radio show. I couldn’t believe it, I was actually gonna be a guest on a radio show, what an amazing opportunity. I got meet Christine Magee, the President of Sleep Country(I know, you know the catchy jingle) and Meredith Shaw(Country Singer and Boom 97.3 Announcer)

To add more to the Humble and Fred…I recently heard that the Humble and Fred show was looking for new interns…and since I haven’t started my intern hours for school, I thought, this is the perfect opportunity for me and after sending an email to the shows producer(Who is a Humber Alumni) I have an Interview for the internship this friday. Wish me Luck.

…and just for the fun of it, Here’s a song I’ve really been diggin’ lately.


Nora Young Lecture Blog

Now…even though, we were able to attend the Nora Young Lecture and stay for the entire hour and hear some questions being asked to her about the lecture, which she was gladly able to answer…I have to admit, I still have no clue who is she, what she does, and what the lecture was completely about.

That’s not to say that I wasn’t paying attention, a few key moments/points did stick out to me during the lecture, and I actually wouldn’t mind learning more about these certain points.


One of the main take-aways from this lecture that really hit me, was the Revolutionary Nature of Cell Phones. Nora Young explained how 86% of the worlds population, being 6 billion people, have access to a cell phone, where as 64% of the worlds population, being 4.5 billion people only have proper access to a toilet. Huh!? What!? How is that even possible, and not only that, that’s just terrible. A lot of people I know might disagree with me but, If I was given the choice of either having access to a cell phone or having access to a toilet, I have definitely have to choose the toilet.

Another take away that really struck me, and actually creeped me out a bit, was that people can now have the ability to take a photo of a crowd of thousands, and zoom in, and zoom in, and zoom in enough until the picture becomes a group of 5 or 6 people, and that the picture is so crystal clear, you could easily make out the fine details of everyones face. And if that wasn’t weird enough, now there’s a website that takes the big crowd photos, zooms them in, and people can have the ability to tag themselves in the photo for their Facebook profile…If thats not creepy to a lot of people…then I don’t know what is.

I will post the video of the lecture here…You can find the take-aways mention @27:00 and @32:00. Take a look for yourself and make your own assumptions about the Nora Young Lecture and what she’s trying to teach, and what you can learn from this.


The Flash, Arrow, Supernatural, The Walking Dead: That’s Right, IT’S TV SEASON!



Well, it’s October again which means just two things for me. 1. HALLOWEEN IS COMING and 2. IT’S TV SEASON! October is my favourite time of year when it comes to TV, all of the good shows come back to TV and of course my favourite SUPERNATURAL is back for another round. Rumour has it that the boys have signed on for another two seasons, which means this season just might not be the last for Supernatural lovers. Supernatural is NOT my only favourite, The Flash will be airing its pilot episode tonight too! Then there’s Arrow which is AMAZING and The Walking Dead which is a guilty pleasure of mine. Why you might ask? well I’ll get to that later, keep reading!


Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 2.44.05 PM

I’m so excited for the roller coaster that will be Season 10 of Supernatural. My favourite actor (Jensen Ackles) who is also my favourite character in the show (Dean Winchester) is now ***SPOILER ALERT*** a full fledged demon. But he’s not just any kind of demon… Dean bares the mark of cain… so what’s that mean? Basically the mark of cain is a mark that was given to Cain, brother of abel, and it has super demon power to it. — that was a horrible explanation… you should probably just watch Supernatural and see for yourself why I am overly excited and pumped to sit at my TV and watch several hours of TV Gold for the next few months.



So.. I have a confession to make…. A friend of mine notified me that there might just be a copy of the pilot episode of The Flash online – available to download… so… yea… I downloaded it…. yepp.. instant regret. I watched it a few months ago and have had to wait until TODAY for The Flash to actually start.. and technically since I’ve already seen this episode.. I made the wait even LONGER!!!… although I do regret not waiting.. it was also really worth watching because it was AMAZING.. The Flash is on par with Arrow which is also an awesome show that comes back to TV tomorrow! But first.. If you don’t know who the Flash is.. Here’s a breakdown of Barry Allen, a.k.a. The Flash.



SOOOOOOOOOOO excited for this season of Arrow. I’ve been waiting since forever to see Felicity Smoak and Oliver Queen get together. THIS SEASON WILL BE EPIC. Yea… I said that.  What better way to prepare for the new season of Arrow than to watch Supernatural and The Flash the day before.

TV SEASON IS HERE – I keep saying it but hey.. I’m excited… don’t judge me.




I know I am.. Now.. I mentioned earlier that The Walking Dead is a guilty pleasure of mine.. “WHYYYYY???” Some of you are probably screaming. Believe me, it has nothing to do with being embarrassed to say I like the show because that is definitely not the case. The reason it is my guilty pleasure is because I hate, hate, hate zombies. It has to be the most ridiculous concept for me. How can someone believe that a virus like that can spread and no one would be able to stop it or deal with it or cure it. It just seems illogical to me, especially with all of the weapons and technology along with the advancements in science that we continue to make daily. Now.. that being said, The Walking Dead is different… It’s not so much about the story of the zombies as it is about the people and how they survive the trials and tribulations of living in a post-apocalyptic society. Which to me, is awesome.



So, obviously I have a bunch of TV shows on my plate as is.. however, I’m always welcome to adding a few more to my favourites list. What TV shows are you looking forward to this TV season? or maybe to you TV season is in January. I wanna know what YOUR favourite shows are! Who knows, I might just like it too!

– Amanda

College: What are we doing here?

confused-student“I would counsel people to go to college, because it’s one of the best times in your life in terms of who you
meet and develop a broad set of intellectual skills”
– Bill Gates

In my 13 months as a college student I’ve come to find out one thing about college… Everyone experiences it differently. Some come to find out that their program truly isn’t for them. Some find college as a whole is something they could do without. Some find their future significant others, or perhaps even new life long friends. And some obtain the necessary skills for their future careers.

Now before we continue with the rest of this blog, I want you to play this song in the background when reading the rest of it.

The truth is there is not one single right or wrong way to experience college. That’s determined by the person themselves. But whatever you do, I suggest a little bit of variety.

If you’re there to study and educate yourselves, don’t miss the opportunity to meet friends and go to some social events. Trust me, you will end up regretting it if you don’t.
By the same token, if you’re all about having a good time, partying, and hanging with friends, don’t just waste your tuition. Get that diploma that we’re all here to get. In the end of the day when you’re looking for a job having a diploma will be the only thing that shows. Not that you barely passed with 50’s and 60’s. Everyone loves the party animal, but there’s a time and place for everything.
Asian-Guy-Puking-At-ClubMy last piece of advice is that if you want to get the best of both worlds, why don’t you study your ass off and at the end of every semester throw a kick ass party! You’ll probably find yourself on the honour roll and have your parents proud of you… And you’ll also have the respect and admiration of all your peers as well.

As for what to do at the party? Here’s a link to a bunch of Party games. http://collegepartyguru.com/games/

I wanna know what your favourite and least favourite parts of college are.

Tweet me @GstackGeorge and let me know!