Don’t Fret Freshmen 15 With an Apple!


A new study found that September is the second fattest month of the year right behind December. You gain an average of 2 pounds, which doesn’t sound bad but some girls just “can’t even” with that.  But we can all agree that gaining 2 pounds isn’t as bad as gaining 15 pounds. Which brings me to the good ole Freshmen 15. If you’re not familiar with this amazing concept i’ll further your knowledge. Freshmen 15 is when you first enter college and through your partying, stress eating, and lack of exercise (because who wants to go out for a run when you have a 1500 word essay due tomorrow morning which you procrastinated doing for a good 2 weeks) you gain a good solid 15 pounds. (more or less.. mainly more…it’s always more.) your clothes don’t fit right, you have a few more breakouts and going up and down those stairs have become a long uncomfortable journey that doesn’t seem to want to end.

It’s only October but if you feel as though the freshmen 15 is starting to creep up on you like a horny guy at a nightclub (we’ve all been there) maybe eating a yummy green Granny Smith apple will help that (the fat problem not the guy creeping up on you). A new study found that Granny Smith apples promotes good bacteria compound in your gut which can help tackle obesity than any of the other crummy apples. Especially red delicious….the most unappealing apple out there, they really need to change the name to, nasty delicious. Or something more clever. Anywho, a Granny Smith apple a day will keep the freshmen 15 pounds away. (Along with exercise, a good diet & sleep). But ain’t nobody got time for that…


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Most Humber students have heard of the facebook page, “spotted at humber” and if you haven’t … here’s a little break down for you.

Basically Spotted at Humber is a way for students to anonymously post things that they have seen around campus. So essentially the posts SHOULD be about things like finding a lost cellphone, or spotting something funny or interesting.

There’s a very poorly explained break down of spotted at Humber for you.

Now.. like I said, spotted at humber SHOULD be used for things like I mentioned above, however as of late, it’s become more of a hookup posting page. What is the deal with that?

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I’m all for the posts about funny things or people paying it forward, but come on people. Stop it with these love at first site posts. If you see someone you think is attractive or whatever the case may be, grow a pair and talk to them. I think a lot of us agree when I say no one wants to read about you kissing some girl at pub night but forgot to get her number and NAME.

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But wait, there’s more…

These aren’t the only overly annoying posts we find on Spotted at Humber… What’s with all the posts where people are complaining about things like, “to the dude walking slowly in front of me, learn to walk properly!” — To this I say, “NO, LEARN TO SPEAK UP AND SAY EXCUSE ME”.

Has society become so disconnected from people that the only way to get things done is to post about it on social media. We all have voices, so use them!

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Really man?.. Really??

Why not get up off your butt and tell those “distracting” people to turn off their music. Are you really that afraid of confrontation that you can’t kindly ask someone to be mindful of the noise they’re making?

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The irony in all this is that I’m actually sitting behind (in front of?…) a computer blogging about it… haha

-Amanda Santos


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It’s safe to say that our generation is obsessed with technology. Over a week ago, Apple came out and launched their brand new iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus where they hit record high with pre-sales topping over four million dollars in just the first 24 hours. Apple stated in their press info that the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are the biggest advancements in iPhone history, featuring two new models with a 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch retina screen. Okay so they’ve made the screen significantly bigger, but why? Lets go back maybe 7-8 years ago when people wanted that small flip phone. All of a sudden the trend has changed from small compact phones to 5 and a half-inch screens! What absolutely kills me about these two new devices being released is the price. The iPhone 6 is priced at $199 for the 16GB, $299 for the 64GB and for the first time, a new 128GB for $399. The iPhone 6 Plus is priced at $299 for the 16GB, $399 for the 64GB and $499 for the new 128GB. Those are prices under contract!

Now, to be fair, I do own an iPhone 5s, but I’ll be honest with you, it’s probably the best phone iPhone released. Its sleek, its small, it fits in my pocket, and it doesn’t look as “cheap” as the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.Now there has been a lot of controversy with Apple’s new product as much of the features are fairly similar to the Samsung Galaxy phones. I have attached a funny commercial that Samsung came out with mocking Apple’s new phone.

All in all, technology in our generation is remarkable, especially when it comes to a cellular device instead of something else more “techy”, people buy these things to keep up to date with the newest of innovations. Although I do support apple and their products their new phones are something I don’t see buying anytime soon.


#iPhone6 #iPhone6Plus #Technology #Students

Now this is a story all about how the Fresh Prince twisted my life upside down

So I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there, and I’ll tell you everything I’ve learned from the prince of Bel Air.

1. ALWAYS dance like no one is watching.

Call me crazy, but this is honestly one of the mottos I live my life by, and Carlton is one of my inspirations for it. Mind you, I’m more likely to headbang to the Ramones instead of bust a groove to Tom Jones. However, when Carlton does the dance, he looks like an idiot, but he’s having too much fun to care! The point? Whether it’s dancing like a nutcase or something big like going for a certain career, do what makes you feel good and don’t let anybody else’s opinion stop you.

2. Always keep a sense of humor

How would you react to getting shot? You’d probably be traumatized. But when Will got shot, yes, he was shaken by the incident, but not even a bullet would stop him from telling jokes from his hospital bed or trying to score with his girlfriend in the hospital room. Enjoy your life the best you can, while you can.

3. Don’t easily give up

One of the most beloved gags of the show was Uncle Phil throwing Jazz out of the house all the time. Neither him nor Hilary appreciated Jazz’s attempts to get her to go out with him. Yet despite the numerous times he got thrown out, he didn’t let that stop him from trying again. Life is going to knock you to the ground some times, and you can either give up easily or get back up and try again.

4. Think outside the box.

My all time favourite episode is “Striptease for Two.” In that episode, Aunt Viv asks Will and Carlton to take her bracelet to the jeweler to get reset. Before they do that, Carlton gets an insider tip about a stock. The guys don’t have the money for it, so they decided to pawn the bracelet, then buy it back once they made money on the stock. And of course, their plan goes belly up. The company declares bankruptcy the day after they buy the stock, and they lost all their money. Most people would just confess and put aside money from the next few paychecks in such a situation. Will and Carlton instead get jobs as male strippers. Granted, this was not the best solution, but in life there are many times when creative thinking is necessary.

And now, for your listening entertainment, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song as performed by (some of) the students of Radio Humber!