Now this is a story all about how the Fresh Prince twisted my life upside down

So I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there, and I’ll tell you everything I’ve learned from the prince of Bel Air.

1. ALWAYS dance like no one is watching.

Call me crazy, but this is honestly one of the mottos I live my life by, and Carlton is one of my inspirations for it. Mind you, I’m more likely to headbang to the Ramones instead of bust a groove to Tom Jones. However, when Carlton does the dance, he looks like an idiot, but he’s having too much fun to care! The point? Whether it’s dancing like a nutcase or something big like going for a certain career, do what makes you feel good and don’t let anybody else’s opinion stop you.

2. Always keep a sense of humor

How would you react to getting shot? You’d probably be traumatized. But when Will got shot, yes, he was shaken by the incident, but not even a bullet would stop him from telling jokes from his hospital bed or trying to score with his girlfriend in the hospital room. Enjoy your life the best you can, while you can.

3. Don’t easily give up

One of the most beloved gags of the show was Uncle Phil throwing Jazz out of the house all the time. Neither him nor Hilary appreciated Jazz’s attempts to get her to go out with him. Yet despite the numerous times he got thrown out, he didn’t let that stop him from trying again. Life is going to knock you to the ground some times, and you can either give up easily or get back up and try again.

4. Think outside the box.

My all time favourite episode is “Striptease for Two.” In that episode, Aunt Viv asks Will and Carlton to take her bracelet to the jeweler to get reset. Before they do that, Carlton gets an insider tip about a stock. The guys don’t have the money for it, so they decided to pawn the bracelet, then buy it back once they made money on the stock. And of course, their plan goes belly up. The company declares bankruptcy the day after they buy the stock, and they lost all their money. Most people would just confess and put aside money from the next few paychecks in such a situation. Will and Carlton instead get jobs as male strippers. Granted, this was not the best solution, but in life there are many times when creative thinking is necessary.

And now, for your listening entertainment, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song as performed by (some of) the students of Radio Humber!

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