Like good things, all bad things come to end.

The last two weeks of semester 3, have been absolute hell, but now as the last week before Christmas break draws to a painful end I can safely say one thing: I have learned a helluva lot about myself, the good, the bad and the ugly. This blog post is going to be a more personal, reflective one because I would like to share what I have learned as well as to pose this question: Who are YOU?

Who am I? I am Olivia.

I am a Radio Broadcasting student who procrastinates when I’m stressed and have no motivation. I push myself until I wear myself thin to the point of bulging at the seams. I get frustrated when assignments don’t go my away and I get upset when I feel like my hard work isn’t appreciated. I get fed up when I’m tired and when I’m happy I feel invincible.

None of those are particularly great qualities to have being in my second year of college; but I’ve grown to accept the fact that slowly I am going to have to realise that I cannot do everything and that not everything is going to work out but to know my hard work is always seen and appreciated. I have also got to learn to breathe,

But despite all of that; I have also grown to learn the past few weeks that I actually love who I am regardless.

And that is something everyone needs to do; love themselves regardless.

Also, I learned one more important thing…


I really, really, really cannot wait to sleep for a month.

Love always,
Olivia, xo

Make love, not war!

No one should have gotten killed.

No one should get away with killing.

There is never EVER a time for violence…. like EVER! 

I am a peaceful person. I do not have a violent bone in my body – because that’s not how I was raised. If people around me get violent I get uncomfortable because my emotions bounce off those around me, and when people get uneasy I get nervous and uneasy as well. I don’t care what the circumstances are, violence is not something that should ever be practiced, especially when trying to classify the violence as an act of peace. I don’t care how mad you are, violent acts, violent words and violent ANYTHING is not the answer – never have been, never will be, and you cannot tell me otherwise. 

And as always, love always:

Olivia, xo


– And before you bring race into this; I am not. I am not justifying anyone’s actions because I do not agree with anything, however if you are going to presume I am inferring otherwise, then honestly, don’t even bother –

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!i

It’s Christmas Town, Christmas Town; we’re up here in the north! We’re making toys for you until December 24th! We’re the elves of Christmas Town, we fill up Santa’s sleigh; making sure that everyone has toys on Christmas day!

That is the song that goes through my head as I walk through the decorated streets, malls and department stores; and honestly I am excited as H.E.C.K! 

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Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year ☺ Not just because I get to open presents on December 25th of course – but because I adore the vibe surrounding the whole shebang! Some say I am utterly insane for wanting to celebrate it so early (after Nov 11th of course) but seriously, if I could I would celebrate Christmas every day of the year! 

It is one of the only times of year where my “excessive happiness” is not out of the blue!!


Let’s take a look at the non – consumer reasons WHY this is the “most wonderful time of the year” shall we?

  1. The world is covered with a beautiful blanket of snow. Although the temperature is LESS than ideal – the fact nightmaresnowflake-1414016331that world has a twinkle to it when the sun hits it just the right way, makes it look absolutely stunning! And kids play in it, what is better than the laughter of dozens of happy children?! Absolutely nothing you pessimist! So embrace their laughter, it will be the only time that the world looks like a diamond.
  2. The whole world is light up like, well, like a Christmas tree! Not only are shops even more decorated, but houses, street lamps, literally tumblr_mxwnmkiwuh1t6o9c1o1_500 everything has a solid string of lights bedazzling EVERYTHING making everything look like the Vegas strip!  As far as decorations go, Christmas lights are my favourite because they just make the world look happy and less depressed, dark and dingy!
  3. People are jollier! Although Christmas falls under the season of S.A.D, for some reason the people seem almost happier and far more polite! Don;t believe me, wish people a “Merry Christmas” and almost everyone will say it back, with a smile! There is literally no other time of year where tumblr_nf903pLBAM1tlc0ufo1_500people smile walking down the street because the decorations make them happy (unless you like Halloween), and there is almost no other time of year were talking to strangers on the street is acceptable! And honestly, people don’t usually go out of their way to do things for others, but on Christmas almost everyone does one nice thing for others!

See? Non consumer reasons why Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! Disagree with me? FANTASTIC! Tweet me and tell me why, I’d love to hear from you…

BUT, if you agree with me….


Love Always,

Olivia Meyer


Livie’s World: The Accent Tag!

What happens when 3 people sit down with a camera and a list of words that can be said differently? AN ACCENT CHALLENGE! 


This week, on Livie’s World, Livie sits down with her boyfriend and best friend to say a series of words and to hang out and rant (on film, shh!) about everyday things!

** This video has a song, that is owned by the band Shinedown – and it was accidental as music is a part of the friends lives. THE SONG IS OWNED BY SHINEDOWN! **

One and a Half Opinions!

This is the first instalment of an “Opinion Podcast Series” done by two friends with more opinions than Howard Stern! Just Kidding – this is two friends, a mic and an appetite for unpopular opinions.

On Today’s instalment we talk about: part time jobs in college – the good, bad and the ugly.

Voiced by Tylor Charland and Olivia Meyer

The College Party Guide for Dummies!

When you invite the whole world to your party, inevitably someone pees in the beer.  – Xeni Jardin

OMG – A Podcast. This is the first instalment of a series of podcasts and features called “OMG”.

This week to commemorate the start of Halloween Party season, we have the “The College Party Guide for Dummies!” where Olivia gives you 5 tips to party safety!

We’re not too far gone.

“Is this what you want? What all of you want? I fought him before, and after, we took in his old friends, and they became leaders of what we have here. Put down your weapons, walk through those gates, and you’re one of us. We let go of all of it, and nobody dies. Everyone is alive right now. Everyone who made it this far, we’ve all done worse kinds of things just to stay alive – but we can still come back. We’re not too far gone.” – Rick Grimes

Above is a quote, from the most memorable episode of one the shows I binge’d and became emotionally attached to. The relevancy you ask? In 3 days… It comes back. What comes back? AMC’s The Walking Dead.


I can safely say, I am excited as ALL hell! Partially because not only is one of my favourite shows returning to air (finally) but because the last season left so many unanswered questions that it will be amazing to catch up! It feels likes the characters and I have been separated for so long, aha. Seriously though, it will be great to get back into watching it – along with the all famous “The Talking Dead” afterwards. (obsessive, I know).

→ → → *DISCLAIMER: the next part of this post contains spoiler alerts!* ←←←

I have decided that in honour of this miraculous event happening this Sunday (I will provide you with…

The Top 5 Reasons You DON’T Want To Miss Season 5 (part one)

  1. BETH. Last time we saw her, she was abducted by god-knows-who at the house where she was with Daryl, well to be exact she was in the back of a car… either way the, the question stillBeth-Greenel persists and no one knows WHO or WHAT took her – which is eerie considering the rumours about Terminus… She does return however, well… You’ll at least get to see where she is / who she is with.
  2. TYREESE, CAROL AND JUDITH. The last time we saw them, it was after Carol shot Lizzie because she was going insane, and they fled the safety of their little cottage in what we hope was to try to reconnect with the others in Terminus.
    Also, although this question WAS answered people still wonder, Is baby Judith alive and with them?! See, they are a mystery because after the whole episode they had, they sort of disappeared into the world of the insane and the world of missing characters. However, they must return, because the main cast is locked up in a truck.
  3. BOB AND SASHA. They were last seen when Maggie had left them to go find Glenn.  The worst part is, it was such an abrupt way to leave them off, no one knows if it was a way of killing them off or simply just AMC putting a hold on the characters like they did with Tyreese, Carol and Judith. All we know, is they ARE alive.
  4. THE HUNTERS? Most people who are caught up, have caught on that Terminus is NOT a0ee4fbaa3e4c4a06ca89ab07205bfcdb safe place and that they ARE cannibals, gross right?! HOWEVER, in accordance to the comics they bypassed an entire “species” of creature that could be found at a church.. So was that WHO took Beth?!  We don’t know, we just know that beside the walkers and the new-found cannibals, there is someone / something else taking and killing humans.
  5. IF NOT TERMINUS, WHERE? It is safe to say that Terminus is not safe and we know thanks to the trailer (darn spoilers, eh?) that they DO in fact get out of Terminus… but WHERE do they go?! Do they even know?! Will they meet up with Abe again? Will they go to Washington?! Are they just going to stick it out? No one knows, that that’s what drives me insane, WILL THEY EVER BE SAFE?!

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Would a “Bad Witch” Look this FABULOUS?! Halloween Tips and Tricks.

“Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.”

Halloween is just around the corner now that October has hit – which means it’s time for the all famous questions: 
but what am I going to WEAR?! What am I going to DO?! 

But… Let’s face it, we’re all on a budget AND wanna have fun, right? RIGHT! Never fear! I’ve got some things for you!

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A Breath of Life: Pop, Rock and Soul.

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”

That is the quote I live, breathe and survive by.
It is the quote that inspires the creativity that inspired the road to radio that I am currently on.


Hello, I am Olivia and I am the self proclaimed happiness spreader who is determined to make the world a happier place through the lost art known as: the radio. As a Canadian native whose voice currently resides on the waves of the all Canadian 96.9 Radio Humber, I am building myself up as someone who wants to inspire others to smile, by being the voice that not only literally spreads happiness, but whose voice simply brings a smile to the face of those listening.

I am not going to say that my life was easy, because it hasn’t been… But I am also not going to go into grave detail about everything that has gone wrong because I don’t see it as wrong, I see it as an obstacle that helps me get better. 

Out of life I only want two things; to make people happy and to lend the helping hand that may be needed.

The view I have of radio however, is skewed.
But it’s skewed based on the fact that I want three things whenever I want to listen to the radio:

  1. I want the station to pop.
  2. I want the music to rock.
  3. I want the announcers to have soul.

A lot of stations these days don’t do that which is one of the ambitions I have going into one of the hardest mediums to make it. I want to be on radio that make people WANT to listen because it makes them feel good, I want people to listen because they can find refuge in the voice they hear and I want people to listen because they feel like it is a good representation of what they want out of life: A positive lifestyle.

Everyone has something in their life that they are ashamed of, or afraid or even sad over, and THAT’S OK because the moment the announcer speaks to you like a friend (maybe one you never knew you had) and once the music starts spinning them true happiness can really be found, and that’s magical.

quote-Malcolm-Turnbull-i-love-radio-its-immediacy-and-219078  quote-Billy-Collins-radio-is-such-a-perfect-medium-for-224027

If one thing I have learned over the years of listening to radio, it’s if I don’t feel good emotionally after listening then they are doing something wrong.

Let’s change that.
Let’s make the radio something beautiful again.

“If I can make at least one listener a day smile or feel appreciated, then I know I am in the right business… and THAT is what radio means to me.” – Olivia Meyer